Episode 1:first day at school

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Anne is getting ready for school and goes downstairs running as always to get breakfast.
'Hey Marilla, is a beautiful day, isn't it?' Says Anne with enthusiasm
'I suppose that, you always say the same every morning since you arrived to Avonlea' Anne arrived one month ago to Avonlea.
'Because all the days in Avonlea are beautiful!' Shouts Anne.
'Hey Anne, why are you up at this time' Says Matthew confused.
'I told ya, today is my first day at school!'
'Yes but is 7am and school starts at 8.45am'
'That's true Anne, go to bed or later you will be tired' Says Marilla with her angry voice.
Anne goes up stairs and she looks at the sky through the window. *Diana calls her*
'Hi Diana, aren't you excited? I'm very excited I think I'm gonna make lots of new friends'
'Hi Anne, yes I'm excited but I know all of them' Diana chuckles 'Do you want to go to school together?' Diana asks.
'Yes that would be perfect!'
'Great, see ya
'Could be the day more perfect?' Thinks Anne.

'Anne! Last chance to get up or you won't go to school' Marilla Yells.
'I'm up, I'm up!' Says Anne almost sleeping while she goes down stairs.
'You are gonna be late, and that doesn't go with our family, I want you to give a good impression of the Cuthberts so be a good and a kind girl on school' Says Marilla giving Anne her uniform to school.
'I will give a good impression, promise. Is mobile phone on school allowed?' Asks Anne.
'Are you silly? Absolutely NOT'
'Ok, I'm going to school with Diana, bye Marilla' Says Anne waving her hand.
'But you haven't ate breakfast!' Shouts Marilla to Anne who is in her way to school.

Anne is walking to school looking at the trees and flowers she finds, is autumn so is difficult to find flowers with their original colour. All is of a brown and orange colour, she stays 5 minutes looking at a fox walking through the leafs, which are in the floor and falling off the trees.

'Anne!!!' Says a voice.
'Diana! I've missed you! How are you?'
'Great and you?'
'Same, can you give me some advices for school?'
'Yes, I'm gonna tell you some things about school:
We always share our food in the break.
Our group of friends is: Ruby, Tillie, Jane, Josie and me, and now you.
If you sit on Billy's *Jane's brother* chair maybe he is gonna hit you or insult you for the rest of your life, he only has 3 friends but one is of our group of friends: Josie, so don't say something about him in front of her or she will do the same as Billy.'
Says Diana 'and don't-'
'Yes Diana it's all clear I won't sit on Billy's chair, tell something bad about Billy to Josie and I will share my food, today I can't because the only thing I have is a donut but tomorrow I will take cupcakes' interrumps Anne.
'Ok, here it is, the school' Diana says excited.
'Omg!' Says going into it.

In the door all the students are waiting and the girls run to Diana when they see her.

'Diana! We missed you, who is her?' Says Ruby Gillis, a girl of blonde hair with pink and beautiful lips.
'I missed you too, this is Anne, my friend and the girl of the Cuthbert siblings'
'Oh yeah I heard about you Anne, I'm Tillie, nice to meet you' Says Tillie, a girl with white skin and coloured cheeks.
'Nice to meet you too Tillie' Says Anne unbelieving she has a new friend.
'Hi I'm Josie and this is Jane, welcome here' and she disappears in middle of the crowd, going in her way to class.
'Sorry Anne, I'm Jane, sometimes Josie can be- I don't know how to explain it' says Jane.
'It isn't a problem'
'Wow Anne you are so beautiful' Says Ruby admiring her, 'I'm gonna get you know some people'
'You are so kind Ruby. Diana, Jane, Tillie, come!'
'Yes!' Says both.

And there she was, walking with Diana, Ruby, Jane and Tillie while all people were looking at her and asking who she was, but she didn't care, she continued walking to class.

'Ok this is our class, Hey Charlie! Moody! She is the new girl in class, Anne' Says Ruby
'Hi, is an honour to meet you'
'I'm Moody and he is-'
'I'm Charlie, nice to meet you'
'They are idiots' Says Diana.
'For you all the boys are idiots Diana' Says Tillie laughing.
'Yes but-'
'Gilbert Blythe isn't an idiot' say Diana, Tillie and Jane at the same time, interrupting Ruby.
'Do you have to say it everyday?'
'Yes and is true' Says Ruby.
'Tillie and me heard it like 10 times in our way to school' says Jane
'But-' Says Ruby.
'He is very handsome and caring' say the three friends at the same time.
'She's in love with him since 3 years ago' Says Tillie.
'And who is Gilbert?' Asks Anne while she is turning her face to the other part of the class. But in that second all her doubts were answered, she sees a boy with black and short hair behind her.
'Hey new girl, I'm Gilbert, and you?'

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