episode 2: that beautiful and special voice

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'Hey new girl, I'm Gilbert, and you?' Says a voice which Anne have never heard. A beautiful and special voice who made Anne smile.
'Hi Gilbert, I'm Anne, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert' Says Anne looking at Gilbert, the girls told her that he was handsome but Anne didn't believe he would be that handsome.
She was frightened, continuing looking at Gilbert Blythe, who she heard talk about. He was looking at her too, with that angel eyes. But-
'Hey Gilbert!'says a voice. But that voice was a voice which she knew, not a new voice. She turned around and there she was, Ruby Gillis looking at Gilbert.
'Hey darling! I've missed you' Says Gilbert and give a long kiss to Ruby.
'Mmm, Anne you are a little surprised, didn't I tell you Gilbert is my boyfriend since 3 years ago?' Says Ruby smiling at Anne.
'No, the girls told me you are in love with him since 3 years ago but they didn't tell me you are dating' Says Anne surprised.
'Oh I'm really sorry Anne'
'Ruby you don't have to say sorry, I don't care, I'm happy for you. And Gilbert, nice to meet you' Says Anne
'Nice to meet you too'

The classes started and continued all day, she was sit next to Diana who had behind her Charlie with Moody and in front of her Tillie with Jane.
Josie was next to Ruby who had behind her Gilbert. Ruby could be very possessive so she didn't let Gilbert to sit next to a girl or behind a girl who wasn't her. If that happened Ruby would start crying telling to all the class Gilbert cheated on her. It was Geography class, poor Anne she doesn't know so much about geography. Gilbert stood up and went to Anne's table.
'Hey redhead, do you need some help with Geography? I can give you classes if you want' Says Gilbert with his sweet and comfortable voice who makes always Anne soft.
'It would be an honour' Says Anne unbelieving her luck.
'Don't tell Ruby I know'
'She would be histeric if she sees me talking with you so I'm going to come back to my table, in my house at 5pm' Says Gilbert coming back to his table.

After that the day for Anne passed very slow, the seconds looked like hours and the hours like years, but finally it arrived, it was time to go home. She came out of the school and arrived to Green Gables, where Marilla was waiting her for ask how was her day.

'Hey Marilla, school was awesome'
'Really Anne? That's good now help me to make dinner and then you will tell me how it was all'
'Sorry Marilla I can't, I have to go to Gilbert's house, he is going to teach me Geography' Says Anne.
'Ok but don't come back late!'

She took her geography books and went into the car. She arrived to Gilbert house, it is very beautiful and big. She knocks the door and Gilbert opens it.

'Hey redhead, come into my house'
'Don't call me redhead, I don't like my hair, I hate it!'
'How can you hate it? Is very beautiful!' Says Gilbert with his angel eyes, again with his angel eyes, Anne couldn't handle it. She was again frightened, looking at him like a dog looks at his bone. And he was looking at her too, but not in the Anne's way, he was looking at her worried.
'Anne, are you okay?' Says Gilbert with a worried voice.
'Yes I'm perfect, can we start with the lessons?'

These 2 hours passed like 5 seconds to Anne, she had fun and they were going to meet in his house again, for the Geography lessons. She made a good friend, one very handsome BUT she made a friend and she didn't care if he was handsome or not. Or maybe yes.

Next morning she got up as always and went her way to school. She was going to school alone, Diana was sick, poor girl! But suddenly-
'Redhead! Redhead! Hi again, why are you walking alone?' Says Gilbert
'I'm not walking alone more' both laugh 'oof it's 8:30, we are gonna be late'
'Mmm I don't care'

AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN AND AGAIN. Gilbert and his angel eyes looking at Anne. They stopped to look at each other, which it was a bit uncomfortable but they did, they stopped to look at each other for 5 seconds, later they smiled and continued walking. Anne started to have feelings for Gilbert, but she didn't want to accept it. They arrived to school when suddenly

'Hey Gilbert, hi Anne. One moment why were you walking to school together?' Says Josie
'Anne what are you doing with my boyfriend?'
'I was talking with him, that's it'
'I don't believe you, Gilbert go with the boys I'm going to talk with Anne' Says Josie

And Gilbert went with the boys worried about Anne, what if they do something to her? It will be his fault for talking and walking with her.

'Okay Anne, what you did is the worst thing you could do ever. Poor Ruby now is crying because her boyfriend cheated on her with you! But you don't understand it and you will never understand it because is there no worst girl in world than you Anne, and no one will never love you asshole with red hair. That red hair is the worst I've ever seen'
Says Josie yelling at her 'and look at ruby, she still crying, you can't talk to him, you can't touch him and better you can't look at him, if you do it you will pay it'

Now Anne was very scared and crying, the only day Diana wasn't there it was the worst day of her life. From now she hates Josie so much and she cancelled all the meetings with Gilbert for the Geography lessons.
It was the break and she was eating her cupcakes, alone, with nobody next to her.

'Hey redhead! What did Josie tell you?' Says Gilbert with his worried voice again
'Leave me alone'
'Can we go to talk to another place? behind the stairs?'

They went behind the stairs and started talking.

'-and now they don't let me talk with you, touch you and look at you!' Says Anne scared of Josie
'I have to talk with Ruby, you are my friend so we can talk'
'We can't be friends now'
'Yes we can, we can be friends and when I tell Ruby it won't be a secret'
'Okay, so friends in secret'

They hug and Anne went running to class. All the girls were against her in "Ruby's side", Jane, Tillie, Josie and Ruby hate her. Anne told Diana and she believed her but the others not.
Someone knocked Anne's door And she opened it. Again the demon in person: Josie Pye.

'What do you want now Josie?'
'I know you and Gilbert are friends, I heard all the conversation, behind a simple stairs isn't the best place to hide, did you know? If you don't want Gilbert to pay this you have to tell him you can't be his friend, and after that the girls will accept you, we give you a week, you can be Gilbert's friend for one week and later you will have to tell him'
'Okay Josie, BYE'

And that week was the best she ever had. But she had to tell Gilbert that and it was the moment to say it. She went to Gilbert's house and knocked his door.

'Hey Gilbert, I have something to tell you'
'Yes Anne, we are friends you can tell me everything you want'
'We can't be friends' Says Anne crying

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