episode 3: what is happening?

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Gilbert have just arrived home from school and he is laying in his bed, thinking about school. Thinking about his girlfriend. And thinking about the new redhead girl who is called Anne.
'She is very beautiful and kind' thinks Gilbert 'She has beautiful eyes I love when she stops and looks at me with that pair of angel eyes. Omg I think I like her! I'm going to look like a heroe to her if I protect her from Josie. No way, I can't like her, she is my friend and I have a girlfriend. I'm sure I don't like her' But he couldn't stop thinking about Anne 'ok yes finally I like her FUCK'

Someone knocked Gilbert's door and he went downstairs. He couldn't believe it was Anne, after just thought he likes her. It couldn't be a coincidence.

'Hey Gilbert, I have something to tell you'
Gilbert knew something went wrong.
'Yes Anne, we are friends you can tell me everything you want'
'We can't be friends' Says Anne crying

So now Anne went running to the car crying and she disappeared. Gilbert confused sat in the floor trying to know why she said that. He started crying. They couldn't be friends anymore. Gilbert couldn't handle this. He was so upset. He really likes her and now he can't be her friend. After cry he got angry, it was all Josie's fault he was sure she said something bad to Anne.
'Josie Pye, you are gonna pay this'

And after that he went into the car and drove to Josie's house. He knocked her door and Josie opened it.

'Hey Gilbert, what do you want?'
'Why Anne told me she can't be my friend?'
'I don't know, ask her'
'What did you tell her?'
'I only told her the rules to be a good friend and that if you two are friends, you will pay it for your whole life, understand?
'You are a bitch'
'I know, now GO'

After all Anne did this for Gilbert. He tried to talk to Anne the next weeks, failing.

'Hey Anne'
'Leave me alone'

'Hi Anne how are u?'

Everytime he tried to talk to her failed, she started from saying 'Leave me alone' to ignore him, and that hurts Gilbert so much, so so so much.
He misses his friend, he always looks at her in class, thinking in what could happened if he didn't dated Ruby.
'Shit!' Ruby told him about a date today and he wasn't dressed for it, he forgot about the date. He got dressed and went to a restaurant where Ruby told him to meet. The restaurant was very elegant and the food was incredible. Ruby realized something was wrong with Gilbert but she didn't ask. They went for a walk.

'Do you know what Gilbert? I think Tillie and Jane are dating in secret. Wouldn't they make a beautiful couple? I ship them.'
'No, I didn't know, do you know what? I'm tired I'm going home'
'Oh ok'
Ruby was going to kiss him but he pulled her and ran to the car.
Ruby was very confused but Gilbert not. He knows what was happening, he knows he likes Anne and not Ruby.

Anne is crying in her room. She really misses him and she knows it is difficult to be friends again. She really likes him and now she accept it.
Marilla went into the room.
'Darling what is happening?'
'Nothing! Get out!' Anne yelled to Marilla.
Marilla have never seen Anne in that mood. She was with the face full of tears with red eyes and sat in the floor. Asking herself what is doing Gilbert now.
Gilbert is crying inside the car. He knows he likes her but he also thinks she doesn't like him in that way.
Anne knows he doesn't like her and that their romance is impossible so she lays in her bed and start to sleep.

When she gets up Diana so front of her.
'Hey Anne, Marilla told me you were in a bad mood And I'm here to help you'
Anne explained Diana she likes Gilbert but he doesn't like her because is dating Ruby and all what happened with Josie Pye.
'Anne! I'm sure he likes you
'And if he likes me why is dating Ruby?'
'Maybe he haven't realized about his feelings'
'Imagine he likes me, I can't date him! I miss talk to him, I miss him and it hurts me to ignore him'
'Go and talk with him, tell him about your feelings I'm really pretty sure he likes you'
'Ok, can you come with me?'
'Absolutely not, that's a thing you have to do alone'

Anne stood up and went into the car. She started her way to Gilbert's house. It was raining a lot, it was a sad day, a very very very sad day. The sky wasn't blue, it was of a horrible grey color. She was going to arrive to Gilbert's house when suddenly a fox crossed the road making Anne stop the car very fast, but it wasn't enough, she was going to KILL THE FOX! She turned right and crashed with another car. The woman of the other car went outside for look if Anne was okay, but she was unconscious. She called the ambulance and they were on their way to arrive when Diana called Anne.

'Hey, are you family from who are you calling?' says the woman in pain

'No but I'm her best friend, and what are u doing with Anne's phone?' says Diana worried

'Her car crashed with mine and the ambulance is coming!'

'OMFG, where are you?'

'Near to Lynde's house'

'Ok I will be there in 3 minutes'

Diana was very worried, crying and calling herself idiot for making Anne go to talk with Gilbert. And she arrived where Anne was, in her car, with the head full of blood.

'I can hear the ambulance, is coming!' says the mysterious woman who Diana have never seen before.

'Okay, I will tell her parents'

The ambulance arrived and they got into the ambulance with the unconcious Anne Shirley-Cuthbert.

'Who are you? I've never seen you in town'

'Oh yeah I'm sorry, I'm Miss Stacy, new in town, I had came for teach in Avonlea's school'

'Oh that's great, and what happened?'

'I don't know well I was turning left when suddenly Anne's car crashed with mine. Thanks god she is only slept'

'It's all my fault! Anne was in the car driving to that house because I told her to go, it's all my fault, I'm a horrible person, I don't deserve her!' started crying again

'All people in this whole world makes errors, without errors what would we be? I'll tell you, NOTHING, we would be NOTHING, and I think you deserve her, you came to where she was in less of 5 minutes, and that is a good friend'

'Where I am?' Anne asks

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