Episode 14: Change

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Pamela Lillian Isley had taken the liberty of organising the school's masquerade ball, Kirk Langstrom her teacher had given her the position as she was the only one that was willing to do it. Harley was going to help out with the balloons and decorations whilst Vicki Vale had offered to sort out food and drink, Selina Kyle however wanted no part in it, she thought it was bad enough that she had to attend.

Meanwhile Bruce Wayne and his friends, Barbara Gordon and Harvey Dent had decided that they would all attend the ball as something to joke about the next day. Bruce was the only one resistant to the idea. "Come on Bruce it'll be fun!" Barbara said, actually excited about a party for once. Bruce nodded his head in response, knowing that Barbara and Harvey wouldn't let him object.

Bruce, Barbara and Harvey made their way to the Iceberg Lounge where Oswald Cobblepot and Victor Fries resided, fiddling with new ice related gadgets Victor had created. "What do you actually need this stuff for Vic?" Harvey asked, taking a look at what seemed to be ice pellets. "It's for protection that's all, what if Jonny breaks out and comes an attacks us?!".

"I'm sure that won't happen, you guys were best friends!" Ozzie said, making his voice known. Victor chuckled.

"Yeah were being the operative word, I need to be safe OK guys, if not for me than for Nora" Victor said, everyone rolled their eyes. Barbara was the only one that thought Victor's crush on Nora French was sweet, she seemed to like him too.


Once second period had ended, Bruce made his way back to Wayne Manor where he spotted Alfred Pennyworth, his butler. "Ah Master Bruce, I was hoping I could speak to you" he said, fixing his tie.

"I'm kinda busy Alfred, I need to find out who Ra's Al Ghul is and why he murdered Principal Strange, I'm sure I can spare you a moment though, what is it?" Bruce asked.

"It's Wayne Enterprises. An assosciate of your father's informed me that the CEO of Wayne Enterprises is being sued for legal reasons and if you do not find a suitable CEO in the next month we will lose the company and it's income" Alfred explained.

Like Bruce didn't have enough on his plate, he had to find Ra's Al Ghul, sort out his mess with Vicki, attend a stupid Masquerade Ball and now he had to sort out a new CEO.

"That'll have to be dealt with later, right now I've got bigger things to worry about. I've been in contact with Renee Montoya who is out of town trying to find as much information as she can, I however need to--" Bruce was interrupted by his phone.

"What is it Oswald?" Bruce asked.

"We've just been told that Strange got fired and our new principal is here already, it's some latin or whatever guy, his name's really funny, he's called Ra's Al Ghul".

Bruce hung up the phone. He couldn't believe it, without speaking to Alfred he rushed out of Wayne Manor and headed straight to Gotham High.


"I'm glad you got here Bruce, have you seen this guy?" Selina Kyle asked, confused by the whole situation. Pamela Isley, Harley Quinn and Jay Napier then materialized.

"I mean I hate the cat girl but she's right, Strange just left without even saying adios!" Jay said, agreeing with Selina.

"Oh Puddin' I don't like this guy one bit!" Harley added. Bruce ignored everyone and made his way to the assembly hall where everyone was seated.

"Good morning everyone. Now I know this is difficult for you all to understand but Principal Strange had resigned so the Council of Gotham Education has hired me as his replacement" Ra's Al Ghul said, taking centre stage.

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