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there was no escape. jack realized that he couldn't get zach out of his head, no matter how much he tried to ignore it. because when he rested his head on zach's shoulder at the interview, everything changed.
his skin began to stand on end and he could feel warm in the places where his skin touched zach's.

jack felt that he really needs zach.
in a not innocent way.

jack didn't want him as a boyfriend, he didn't want any feelings from zach.

it was just lust.

that's what jack was thinking. he really didn't want to go out with zach. he liked his friendship and his body. but not him as a boyfriend.

then he found the answer to get rid of the zach body from his head.

he was going to fuck him.

at first it seemed like a stupid plan. that plan when you end up falling in love with the other person.
but Jack had thought of everything.
he knew that everyone liked what they couldn't have, but what they had ended up boring.

that's why he was going to have zach.

and then everything will return to normal.

they would be just friends. no porn and no sex.

little did he know that his plan wouldn't end as he thought.

and that's why he was approaching the couch where he was sitting. he sat next to him and waited for the younger boy to speak to him. but he didn't open his mouth, he didn't even look at jack.

"zach" jack called him but zach didn't move a bit.
zach was determined to ignore him as jack had done those days before.

"zach, what's happening? are you angry? is it because of the jachary thing?"

it's not because of the jachary thing, dumbass.

and course I was angry.

jack was the one who started all this and now he was asking what was happening.

zach knew he had to keep quiet but couldn't.

"are you going to act as if nothing had happened? you have been ignoring me these days. i thought we were best friends, but best friends do not treat each others like punching bags. if you're in a bad mood, stop paying it with me. "

jack was hallucinated. he didn't know that zach was so angry, he didn't even know if he had realized that he had been ignoring him.

those thoughts made a smile appear on Jack's lips.

zach was attentive to him.

however, zach did not like that smile. all he thought was that the curly boy was laughing at him. as if for him this wasn't important.

and it didn't help much the comment of jack.

"now who's paying his bad mood with whom?"

jack's really making fun of me.

zach didn't even answer him. he got up from the couch and started walking quickly to the stairs. he was going to flee to his room. he was going to lock myself in it. And he was going to forget the nonsense of jack.

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