Chapter One

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"I have to get a glimpse of those mysterious eyes" I sigh as I failed at reading my novel. Those eyes have taunted my head since I heard the rumors.

It's been a week since Papa told me about the pledge the king had made to him a long time ago before he passed away. I was to marry his son, King Alexander Montemogry who was said to have a god-like beauty. And his eyes, I heard they held so many mysteries. I haven't been graced with his presence yet but in due time I guess.
The book I was reading was long forgotten on my side table as a voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"My lady... My lady"
Grace my handmaid called out to me. I turned and smiled. We had practically grown up together and other than my books I considered her my friend. I would miss her when I leave.

"My lady, your father has requested to see you in his chambers. He also says to inform you of the arrival of the books you requested" Grace says.
I squeaked and rushed past her. Books have always been my weakness.
I rush outside to see a carriage and servant offloading the books.

"papa knows how to keep me happy" I whispered to myself. After instructing a servant on where to stark the pile, I start my walk to Papa's chambers.

Knocking on the door twice, she hears her father call out to her.
"Papa," she says as a smile graces her face

"Thank you so much for the books. I didn't think I would get that much". He lets out a chuckle as he places a kiss on her forehead.

"Mae my dear, you know I would give you anything you ask for. Besides, you would need a lot of gifts so you won't forget me when you leave" he says to his daughter as his face saddened.

"oh papa" Mae mumbles hugging her father Lord Gregory. "you know I won't ever forget you". He gives her a weak smile before proceeding as to why he had sent for her.

"My dear you would be leaving home in a week. Lady Regina has asked to get acquitted with her daughter-in-law" Lord Gregory says.

"in a week!?"
Mae exclaims more to herself.

In a week she would be sent out to meet her betrothed King Alexander Montemogry. She won't be in the comfort of her home, her papa, or the maids she's so fond of.

"It's for the best Mae. I just want your future secured even in my absence" lord Gregory said softly in a pleading tone

"yes, papa. I understand" Mae replies. She knows he has good intentions for her.

Meanwhile, at the castle, Lady Regina was having breakfast with her son Lord Alexander and her daughter Lady Ruby Montemogry.

Alexander dines quietly as his mother and sister fuss about his soon-to-be wife.

"oh Mother, I really can't wait for her to get here. We would be like sisters" Ruby gushes as she claps her hands like a child.

To say Lady Regina was happy would be an understatement. She has been so eager for her son to take a wife. "I'm sure you will love her sweetheart," she says laughing at Ruby's behavior.

"you know, I got to meet her as a child. When she still had her mother. She was the prettiest little girl. I remember how she hid behind Lady Gregory"
Regina was distant in her thought. She had met Mae when she was still little.
She was pulled out of her thoughts when Ruby gave her a peck on the cheek and asked to be excused. Ruby had grown to be a fine girl.

"you've been awfully quiet son" Regina states after taking a sip of her chamomile tea.

" of all the nine lords we have in our kingdom, Father couldn't pick a wife I'm more familiar with" Alexander snaps angrily as his hands clenched rather too tight.

"Alex, I don't know why you're being so furious about this, you don't even know her as......." Her sentence was interrupted by a loud bang on the table.

"Exactly mother, I don't even know hazel eyes" Suddenly losing his appetite, Alexander storms out of the dining hall.

He had always had a bad temper.

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