Chapter Seven

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     Alexander had just arrived at the castle, that day wasn't one of his best days. He just wanted to lie down and fall asleep.
       "Alex!!" lady Regina called out to her son "Oh Alex my sweet son" a satisfied look on her face.
"Mother, you look rather too happy so late at night. Why aren't you asleep?" the king asked. Lady Regina laughed pulling her son towards the direction of the dining hall "Come have dinner before you go to bed"
      Alexander couldn't refuse her, he gave off a sigh and let her lead the way.

On Lady Regina's instructions, the maids served Alexander a meal while she sat on a seat beside him.
"you know I talked to Mae today" Lady Regina started.
   "About what?" his tone showed how bored he was.
"Well, nothing too private" a smile gracing her face as she looked at her son with so much contentment.
"I told you it wouldn't be so hard falling for her. She's a sweet child. I'm really happy you've come to your senses and treated her right" Lady Regina rushed out her words as her smile increases.
      "it won't be too long till I have little Alexanders and Maes running down the hallways" she chimed.
"Mother please" Was all her son said as he took another spoonful of his soup.
"oh please nothing Alex, what exactly is your problem!" she asked.
"that girl was practically forced on me mother" the king yelled. His mother had successfully pulled on his last nerve.
"Alexander you are twenty-four, and it's been months since you've been married to Mae, when will you get over this?!" she couldn't understand why her son was so bipolar.
"Never!" he snapped back at her.

           The noise from downstairs had woken Mae. "Alexander! He's back!!" she exclaimed rushing off the bed and out of the room down the hallway. She had been on the stairs when she heard Lady Regina's voice. She knew it wasn't right to eavesdrop but who can help a juicy talk?
          "Mother I suggest you refrain from interrogating my wife" Alexander firmly stated.
"Alex I'm your mother, there's nothing bad in that. Are you rather shy about your feelings" she said in a teasing manner.
  "I have no other choice than to care about her. Whatever dreams you have about grandchildren should be wiped off, it won't happen anytime soon" A very agitated king yelled.
    Lady Regina's face quickly lost all its humor on hearing her son's cold words.
"what do you mean?" she asked him
"Well Mother, I haven't been with her that way and I don't see it in our future. This wasn't a marriage I asked for, it is nothing but a simple partnership, children are products of love and not contracts" Alexander yelled banging his hands on the table.
      "you wouldn't dare" a now furious lady Regina said.
The king's lips twitched into a smirk "Are you so sure of that?" he said.
"you know Mother, I'm beginning to think it was you who pledged and not the father" he added

   Mae had heard enough, to think the king viewed their marriage as a partnership, - a simple contract hurt her deeply.
   Yes, they knew nothing about each other and got married as total strangers but she thought they made progress.
She ran back towards their chambers as harsh tears escaped her eyes.
       Back at the dining hall, the son and mother were still in their heated conversation.
        "Alexander Montemogry!! You might be king but I'm still your mother, remember your place" Lady Regina said angrily stumping her right foot on the floor.
    "yes Mother, I know my place and I would appreciate it if you stop getting into my issues." he rose from his seat and exited the dining hall.
Alexander opened the door to their chambers after the little feud he had with his mother to see Mae asleep on her side of the bed they shared although she wasn't asleep.
  After having a bath, he got on their king-sized bed and lay beside his wife. Turning towards her, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead "Hazel eyes, I don't know what I feel any more" he murmured before pulling her close to him and falling asleep.

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