Chapter Twenty One

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These past months haven't been eventful.
Lord Allister hasn't been spotted at the castle after his last visit.
Lady Sutton had calmed down immensely after her encounter with Lady Regina. She too hasn't been to the castle.
The king on his own part avoided anything that would put him in the situation he was with Sutton. He was set on being a good husband.
Ruby and Lord Daniel have been meeting on few occasions to get acquitted with each other, mother didn't want a repetition of Mae's predicament.

Over the past week, a messenger had arrived at the castle with news on Cathindra's child birth. The news spread through the kingdom like wildfire bringing with it great joy.
Their estate was full of so much celebration.
A feast would be held in honour of the child's birthing .

"My lady" Cathindra curtsied before me.

"Cathindra!" I threw my arms around her in a hug. "congratulations, I'm so happy for you"

"thank you so much Mae" she said. Her face having a motherly glow to it.

"she's such a beautiful girl" admiration swam through my eyes as I peeked at the bundle of joy wrapped in her father's arms.

Alexander stood by me as we conversed
With the new parents. I caught the concerned look my husband threw my way at intervals an I also understood why he did this.

Mother now held the sleeping baby and literally cried when she relaxed into her hold. This made us burst into laughter.

Throughout the ceremony, I couldn't shake off the pitiful glances that came my way. As expected, rumours had already escalated through the kingdom of my inability to bear a child for the king.

Excusing myself from the group, I walked outside for some fresh air. The whispers and glances were suffocating.
I wasn't there for long when I heard footsteps approach me.

"Mae" Cathindra called as she came into view.

"where's the child?" I inquired.

" lady Regina still has her" her gaze turning to one of pity. Something I seem to be getting used to.

" oh alright" I said staring into the sky.

"don't let this affect you Mae. Proteus will definitely give you a child soon" she offered an assuring smile.

"I hope so" I replied with a tight smile.

After a few minutes of utter silence, she leads the way back into the feast and I decide to shrug off the pitiful looks and enjoy the evening.

The evening had gone by in a haste and the ceremony had come to an end. Arriving at the castle, lady Regina announced how exhausted she was and retired for the night as Ruby followed suit.

The king and queen were at their chamber. Alexander was having a bath while Mae lay on the bed already in her shift. She had freshened up before her husband.

On exiting the bathroom, Alexander glanced at his wife who lay on the bed with a distant look.
She had been awfully quiet throughout the ride home and he knew the reason without being told.

He didn't miss the longing in her eyes when she held Cathindra's daughter and he was also aware of the rumours going around.

"Mae" he called as he sat beside her on the bed.

"hmm" she responded while sitting up.

"you won't stop wallowing in self pity. Will you?" he asked

Mae only blinked not knowing what to say to him.

Giving off a sigh, he questioned again
"you really want a child, don't you?"
His voice held so much love and concern

"yes" her voice came out as a whisper

"should we try for one?" Alexander questioned as he trailed kisses down her neck.
At this question, Mae nods franticly in response making her husband chuckle at her eagerness.

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