Chapter Twenty Five

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"This is for you, it signifies a promise of our life together" his angelic voice rang as he stared down at me with so much love and affection.

"I'll talk Proteus and the council into accepting our petition, we'll be together always"
Those words warmed my heart upon hearing them. He looked unfamiliar yet felt so familiar.
Where is this place??

"I'm always with you, I will always be with you. You are mine" whispering those words, his orbs darken as his lips caught mine.

"Alexander!!" I called out taking in a large breath of air.

"shh, I'm here" my husband cooed

"I had them again Alexander, what do they mean?"

"I have no idea, Mae. Just relax and breathe, it's not good for the child"

My hands went over my baby bump protectively on hearing those words.
I needed to relax, stress would mess things up with the baby.

Recently, I have been having weird nightmares of a certain man I have no idea about.

At first, I kept the dreams a secret as I did not know how Alexander would react to my dreams of another male beside him but when they persisted, I eventually told him.

He simply shrugged over it and passed it as stress from being with child. I'm starting to think that might be the case.

"you know I should be upset," he said as I clung to him.

"Why so?"

"well you're carrying my child and still dreaming of being with another" Amusement glinted in his eyes

"I'm offended" I pouted making him chuckle.

"you're so beautiful, Mae. I can't wait to have other children with you"

"uhm are you sure about that? I mean considering how hard it was for me the first time"
I twirled the tip of my hair nervously.

"I'm never wrong Mae"

Oh someone seems so proud now.

"how's the construction going," I said changing the topic.

"As hectic as always. I have to oversee its progress" he gave off a tired breath.

Lord Julian Jefferson had clarified the reason Alexander was visiting the house of Rahl on a regular.
A project was ongoing and provisions for more cabins were being made.

Sutton had written to Alexander informing him of an issue with one of the workers the day I eavesdropped.
I felt very ashamed of jumping to conclusions but who can blame me for knowing the way my husband can be?

As always, Alexander had set out for the day and I was about to start mine.
Walking down the hallway, I was greeted by various servants with smiles across their faces. They had been overly happy on hearing the news of an heir.
This child was a source of joy to the kingdom.

"Mother," I said entering the dining hall.

"My dear child, I was about to send a maid to your chamber. Come have breakfast" she ushered me to seat beside her.

"motherly glow looks perfect on you dear" she chimed happily.

I remember the first baby kick I felt, it was with my mother.
She had been so infatuated with speaking to her unborn grandchild and I eventually let her.

After a few words and a slight touch of her hands, the baby immediately kicked.
I've never seen her that happy.
Mother had boasted so much about it to Alexander I think he felt an atom of jealousy being the first kick came from his mother and not him.

"what about Julian? I haven't seen him this morning"

Usually Julian is always up early waiting to babysit me but this morning seemed different. He was nowhere in sight

"he left with Alex," she said before taking a sip of her chamomile tea. Mother is addicted to this and it's slowly rubbing off on me.

"Ruby sent word last evening, she's coming over today" she added.

"that's nice, it's been a while"

"we need more hands in decorating the room after all" a bright smile lit up her face.

"Oh, Mother!"
Yes, mother had already begun preparations for the child's room.

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