Chapter Nineteen

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I knocked rapidly on mother's wooden chamber door. Immediately it opened, I lunged at her in a longing hug.
My body raked as tears slipped through my eyes.
"Mother he doesn't want me" I cried to her
"Alexander never wanted me"

"hush child, don't say such things. Ofcourse he wants you"
Her comforting words did no justice to the situation.

"It has always been Sutton, he even shared a kiss with her" I wailed as those words crushed me even more.

"shh, dry your tears Mae, don't let that keep you unhappy" mother said.

She led me to her bed and sat beside me till I calmed down. Sleep slowly took me away from my worries.

Lady Regina was utterly disappointed at her son for what he had done with Sutton. She knew that girl was a threat but she never imagined her son to be so gullible.
Mae and Alexander were yet to settle their issues. They both ignored each other and couldn't even be in the same room for a while.
The queen would sleep in their chamber when her husband wasn't home and the days he was at the castle, she would inform Ahne to have another chamber prepared for her.

Mae and Ruby had set out to the Richmond estate while Alexander was carrying out official duties.
The kingdom had gone back to its prosperous ways.

Lady Regina was at the castle alone when the trumpets announced the arrival of a noble.
To satisfy her curiosity, Regina wandered to the courtyard to see the sight she detested the most.

"mother!" Sutton beamed at her
"is Alexander here?"

"I wonder dear child, is it that you have no shame?" Regina's voice came out malicious.

"mother did I offend you?"
She inquired with a confused look.

"listen to me Sutton, whatever infatuation you have about Alex should end. He is already married" mother stated firmly

"Mother Alex and I we- -"
Sutton's speech was interrupted by a now angry woman.

"Child I am not your mother, I have no ties with you whatsoever address me like you should" this set the pale skinned girl in utter shock. She never expected Lady Regina to be so straight forward.

"what you're doing is punishable by both the heavens and Proteus the king of the gods. Sutton I suggest you detest from it" she finished before walking back into the castle.
Lady Regina was at her limit with Sutton and the issues she brought to her family.

For the first time in a while, Sutton felt shame as he entered her carriage and rode back to Rahl's estate.

Alexander knew he had wronged his wife the way he treated her.
He decided to set things right that day.

Walking into the castle, he headed to their chamber knowing Mae wouldn't expect him to be home.
The opening of the door made a shriek escape her lips.

"mine" Alexander's voice sent chills down her spine.

"Ale-e-xander I didn't expect you to be home" she stuttered.

Taking large steps towards her, Alexander pulled her flush into him.

"I'm so sorry Mae" his voice held so much sincerity.

"I- I - I" Mae was dumbfounded. Her husband wasn't one to apologize.

He chuckled "I missed you so much hazel eyes".

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