Chapter Fifteen

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Everything had gone back to normal in the castle. Alexander had fully recovered and Mae returned to her duties as queen.
Lady Regina brought up the subject of the betrothal of her daughter to Lord Daniel Richmond which Alexander had surprisingly agreed to.
Ruby in her own part was too excited for someone being shipped over to a betrothed, of course she still had a few years to be with her family until she would be wedded off.

Lord Brad Hamilton had taken a liking to lady Cathindra over the years. The lady hadn't been betrothed to anyone before the passing of her father which made situations a lot pleasant for Brad.
He courted Cathindra for sometime now and finally, their love bloomed into something more, - marriage.

Lord Hamilton had asked lady Cathindra's hand in marriage which she happily agreed to.
The news of their engagement spread through the kingdom and brought joy to both the nobles and subjects alike.
The wedding date had been fixed and preparations where already starting.

Mae had been overly excited for her friend as she and Ruby accompanied the to be bride in getting all her required needs.
Alexander on the other hand although happy for his friend, he couldn't help feel a pang of jealously for that was always what he wanted for himself, to fall in love and marry out of choice.
Finally a cause for celebration had befallen the Othello's estate.

The arrival of lord Rahl to the castle was not expected as he requested to have an audience with the king concerning matters of his estate. The war had a great impact on his estate and the people under his care. Houses were destroyed and properties were lost. People had been crowing his estate with various complaints.

He came to make a report of the constructions that where about to take place and to secure the approval of the king on his budget.

" if that would be all lord Rahl then consider it done. I would arrive at your estate in a few days to confirm the situation and overview the strategies to be carried out" Alexander said in a dismissive tone.
Hazel eyes flashed through his mind for the millionth time that day. His wife had clouded his thoughts recently, she had totally captivated him.

"I would be leaving now my lord" lord Rahl said, which got only a nod from the king. "I didn't spot the queen on my arrival, I hope you both would grace lord Hamilton's wedding"

"she's out in the lower town, the subjects are rather too fond of her as she is of them and yes we'd definitely be at lord Hamilton's wedding" the king said flipping through one of his wife's novels.

" ah yes! She's such a magnificent queen. if only she could give you a child, - an heir" he shook his head in utter disappointment.

Alexander stiffened in extreme rage on hearing lord Rahl's words. He drops the book he had been holding as fury immediately pulses through his body.
That man had no right to speak Ill of the queen that way.
Mae wasn't incapable of bearing children and even if she was, he hadn't complained to anyone.

Noticing the King's anger he quickly adds
"Not to speak out of term my lord but considering you've been married for almost two years now - - -"

Alexander wasn't interested in whatever Rahl had to say.
" I don't see how that concerns you, leave before I loose my patience lord Rahl" He spat angrily
With a bow, the elderly man exited the King's presence briskly.

Everyone knew not to offend the young king. He wasn't entirely a forgiving person.

A knock on the large doors of the King's study was answered by a harsh 'yes'
Mae entered to see a rather grumpy king.. His beautiful blue eyes seemed to get darker each time he was enraged.

"Alexander is something wrong?" she inquired.

His face immediately softens on seeing his beautiful wife. Rising from where he sat and walking towards Mae, his hands hold her close to him in a longing embrace as he breaths in her calming sent.

" mine" his voice chased away the silence.

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