Chapter Thirty

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"my lord the child somehow survived the fall and the birthing has been fastened. The queen would have to birth the child or else it might die"
the physician spoke in a hushed tone.

"Would she survive the birthing?" Alexander inquired

"I'm afraid I cannot be certain Sire"

Alexander walked to where his wife lay, battered and covered in blood. This would be the second time he'd watch her die.
"Mae" he called to her

"A-Alexander I'm s-so sorry. It's my fault, f-forgive me please" her voice came out broken

"shh it's not your fault, just be strong for our baby" he said giving her hand a soft squeeze.

"The b-baby survived?"

"yes Mae, all you have to do is birth our child" he peppered kisses on her bruised face.
With that, a midwife approached where she lay and the birthing begun.

Mae gave out another cry of anguish as she struggled with labour that night. She knew she had very little time left in this world but she would use her last moments to gift Alexander with a child.

Her husband stood at the edge of the bed where she lay, his hand holding onto hers tightly as she struggled to bring fort their child.

"Push my lady push!"
The midwife shouted as the head of the baby was becoming visible.

She whispered, her voice hoarse and faint from the pain.

"You're doing fine Mae, be strong"
He cooed holding her hand tightly.

She felt weak and light headed from all the blood she had lost. Taking in another breath of air, she pushed again and again with the little strength she had in her.

Another anguished scream ripped through the queen's throat as she laboured on.

"You're doing good my lady the baby is almost here, just one more push" the midwife said.

Gritting her teeth and using the last straw of strength she had in her, Mae pushed with all her might, her grip on her husband's hand tightened as she lets out an ear piercing scream.

The cries of a baby filled the room as Mae slumped back on the pillow, her body aching badly as blood slipped out from between her legs staining the sheets.

"Congratulations Sire, the queen has birthed a healthy son, the heir to the throne" the midwife beamed at the king and queen.

Alexander had been graced with cutting the umbilical cord as the midwife quickly cleans the baby and hands him to the king before exiting the room giving them some privacy.

"Let m-me hold h-him" Mae croaked out, stretching her aching hands towards her husband who places the child in her care.

"A-Alexander - I'm s-sorry"

"shh, you're going to be okay Mae" his eyes holding nothing but pain "I won't loose you again, I already lost you before"

"listen - p-please - no t-time" she began, death lingering in the room "I love you so much Alex-xander and I-I'm waiting for you. Forever e-eternity"

Her husband places a kiss on her now cold lips "He looks so much like you Mae"

The queen looks down at her son in her arms who finally opened his eyes since his birth.
A weak smile appeared on her lips.
"perfect, he h-has - your eyes A-Alexande-"

With this, her eyes shut forever. Her hand slides down from its position lifelessly as Alexander picks up their crying infant from his wife's bosom.
He had lost the love of his life yet again.

A large breath of air filled my lungs as my eyes fluttered open, instantly adjusting to the room that held me.
My head throbbed badly as I looked beside me to see a crib where my son lay sleeping peacefully.

"Alexander!" I called out faintly with my hoarse voice.

Using all the reserved energy I had in me, I rose from the bed.

"Alexander!!" I called out loudly this time

"I'm afraid Alexander can't come to you now" Jefferson's voice startled me.

I hadn't been aware of his presence in the room.

"Where is he?" I placed my feet on the cold floor for the first time since I had awoken.

"the king is no more" he said not raising his gaze the entire time.
My heart sunk on hearing his words.

"what do you mean he is no more?"

"The trade was done my lady"

"Stop speaking in parables Julian. What do you mean?" I questioned

"A life for a life, his life for yours"
He said still gazing at the floor

" No!" I exclaimed frantically shaking my head as tears surged through my eyes
"that can't be true"

"Axion made his choice Rhya" Jefferson said making my eyes snap to where he sat.

How did he know about that? How did he know about our other life, our other names? How did he know what happened to Alexander?

"y-you're" I stuttered in utter disbelief as realization dawned on me

His gaze tore through me as he stared at me for the first time since our conversation.

"Yes Mae, I'm a messenger of Proteus - the king of the gods."

The end.

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