Chapter Four

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      "Axion, do you take her to be your lawfully wedded wife? to love, cherish and protect her forever eternity?" the white-haired man asked.
   "I do" Axion replied looking into the most beautiful eyes as he gave a breathtaking smile. This girl was his life. He would give anything to have her for eternity.
        A week had gone by since Mae had arrived at the castle. Sure she was beautiful, but Alexander couldn't seem to care less.
In the king's opinion, she had been forced on him and he would dread it forever. He couldn't pretend to be happy even if he wanted to. He always had a mindset of falling in love before marriage but he had to oblige to this duty for his kingdom.
    Mae on the other hand, was a lost cause. Alexander had weakened her defenses. His blue eyes made her lost and his voice sounds like music to her ears.
Who wouldn't fall for that? 
     The music announced the arrival of the bride as Alexander looks forward, Mae is being led towards the altar by her father, Lord Gregory.
This had always been Lord Gregory's dream, to see his beautiful daughter married off happily before he died.
  Alexander gave off a nervous breath. This was going to be it, the end of his freedom.
He would be tied to this woman till death.
He would be expected to bring forth an heir for the good of the kingdom. More responsibilities would be added to him.
    Mae was dressed in a breathtaking gown as a long veil flowed down her waist with extraordinary embroidery at the hem of the gown. Her tan skin glowed beneath the veil. The gown showed off her magnificent curves.
She had never considered herself beautiful as her hazel eyes did nothing extraordinary to her looks but right now, walking down the aisle with her arms around her father's, she felt beautiful. She felt like the queen she was about to be.
   As she approached him, Alexander's features softened. She looked beautiful and he couldn't say otherwise.

        "Please take care of my daughter sire," lord Gregory says to the king who had gone back to his expressionless self.
"I promise to do so, she is my wife after all," he said as his jaw clenched. Lord Gregory hadn't noticed as he was so focused on his daughter. She was going into another family, away from him. His little girl had grown up so fast. Mae was a splitting replica of her mother. If only she was here, she would have been so proud of their daughter.

         "congratulations Lady Mae, you're the prettiest bride I've seen in a while," lord Julian Jefferson said as he hugged Mae.
   Julian Jefferson, Brad Hamilton, and Alexander had been friends since they were children although Alexander and Julian were a lot closer.
" I feel so honored lord Jefferson" Mae replied with a huge smile plastered across her face.
"do call me Julian, my lady," Jefferson said "You're a queen now" he finished off.
Mae laughed "And what about lord Hamilton? I can't seem to find him," she asked. " I think he's with Alexander now. I'll get him for you if you wish" Jefferson said.
"oh no.  There would be no need for that, I'd just go meet Papa" She hugged Lord Jefferson before approaching her father where he stood. 
Mae had bonded with lord Jefferson and Lord Hamilton over the week of her stay. They had been so kind to her even more than her husband had been.
Lady Regina and Ruby had been busy attending to guests at the wedding when Mae approached her father.
"oh, Mae my dear!" Lord Gregory exclaimed hugging her as tears escaped his eyes.
"I'll miss you, papa," Mae said, her voice barely a whisper as tears threatened to escape her eyes. "don't hesitate to send for me papa if anything goes wrong. Please take care of yourself" she added.
"I promise my dear," her father said as he wipes his tears. " I have to head back home now Mae. Take care of yourself" he said.
Lady Regina bids Lord Gregory farewell after assuring him his daughter is in safe hands as she holds a crying Mae.

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