Chapter Eleven

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Alexander and I have been rather distant, we acknowledge each other's presence with few words and rarely ate together.
Since I had been queen, I haven't had a lasting moment of happiness with my husband and it was becoming infuriating.

I sat by Alexander's side along with the lords and knights of our kingdom.
It has been this way for the past two months. We were having issues on trespassers murdering our subjects and Alexander has been stressed out.
The number of killings have been increasing lately but still no solution was found.

"Mae" my husband's tapped me for the third time at this meeting, I always seem to zone out.

"hmm yes" I couldn't afford to turn beet red now.

"I think you should get some rest, you look worn out" a concerned look crossed his face.
This was the first time I've seen an expression on my husband's face.

I hadn't given a reply when he abruptly announced a few minutes break. The lords and knights going in different directions as Alexander walked me to our chambers.
Papa had asked to be excused from the meeting due to his health, to say I wasn't worried about him was a lie.

"Alexander" I tried starting a conversation.
"yes Mae" he guided me past the hallway.

"I heard a ceremony was held for the welcome of a certain lady Rahl"
I could have sworn I felt my husband stiffen beside me.

"Well I didn't know you would want to be there so I decided against it" he pointedly said.
We had reached our chambers by now.
"now get some rest while I attend to other meetings" he placed a kiss on my cheek before leaving. Electric sparks shot through where his lips had touched. Alexander still provoked feelings in me.

The rest of the week was either spent with mother or Ruby and Cathindra.
Alexander had told me to take a break from my responsibilities as queen because the stress was telling on me. I cared very little about myself I was rather worried about my husband. The crucial situation of the kingdom had been on his neck.

He rarely comes home and when he does, he's locked up in his study all night.
I decided on giving him a treat, I would have a bath ready for him and serve him dinner. I'm ready to beg him to lay beside me and sleep even if it was just for a short while .

I sat facing our large window waiting on Alexander's arrival as the moon lightened our room. Heavy footsteps at the hallway announced his arrival before the front door opened.
I dropped the book I had been holding and rushed towards him.
My words caught in my throat as a pair of soft lips claimed mine. I couldn't feel my feet as tons of fireworks erupted in my stomach.
It took me awhile to realize Mr perfect was kissing me. That night we finally consumed our marriage.

My hands involuntarily searched the empty space beside me as I groaned. I peeped through my lashes and my eyes instantly shot open not finding Alexander.
I noticed the curtains had been let down hindering the sunlight from entering the room as I sat up, someone didn't want me waking early.
The red patch on the sheets drew my attention as events of last night filled my mind a blush creeping it's way onto my face.
The maids would certainly think it was my flux, oh how wrong they would be, the giddy feeling was unbearable as I quickly slid on my robe and wandered out the hallway in search of my husband.

The sounds of swords clattering caught my attention as I briskly walked to the courtyard to ascertain its source.
"My lady" the knights and large mass of soldiers said as they bowed.
If it was any other day I would have definitely turned Crimson standing before them in nothing but my robe but right now as I took in the sight before me, I couldn't.

Alexander appeared before me and pulled me gently towards the foyer.

"what's going on?" I asked my eyes wondering back to where the mass of fighters stood.

"Mae it has to be done" his gaze dropping to the ground as he physically saddened

"no, please don't " I whispered as realization dawned on me.

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