Chapter 1 - Shocking

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My phone buzzed as the song Radio-active by Imagine Dragons started to play. I was sat in my lounge playing 'Sonic the Hedgehog' on my game boy. Pausing the game, I picked up my phone to see that it was Luke calling.

Luke was my cousin (on my mum's side) and we were very close in the manner that we were almost like brother and sister as I had no siblings. We were both gaming nerds which I liked but his only flaw was the fact that he didn't like skate parks. I pressed the 'answer' button.

"What's up, brah?" I said in a gangster way. He hated it when I said it like that.

"Sam, don't say that. You know how much it makes me cringe." I could hear the cringing in his voice. I giggled.

" 'kay. But seriously, what's up?" I asked him again. I change my position on my sofa. My apartment was quite small, seeing that I was the only one who lived in it. It was cute and I like it that way. It was full with my 'nerd stuff' such as my three old-school skateboards hung on the wall, my nerd toys (including things from Skyrim, Final Fantasy, Doctor Who, Pokemon and the rest of it) and vinyl’s that acted like family portraits (A/N: :P u know what I mean :) ).

"I wanted to know if you wanted to see some of my pals from school. They have come from central London." He said, cheerily.

"We live in London, too, you know and I'm so socially awkward!" I whined. "I don't like people."

"Come on, Sam. You need to be sociable. It's healthy. Besides, they are different from other people." He said in a almost 'your such a loser, get out the house, woman' kind of way. I moaned and rolled off the sofa. I was wearing a blue slouch top that had a baby blue vest top underneath, jeans and black converse shoes. I wasn't really the sort for bright colours but seeing as blue made my eyes stand out, what can I say?

"See you at the skate park in ten?" I asked. I heard the cringe in his groan. I chuckled again. It's a long story but the reason Luke doesn't like skate parks if because of their hygiene. 

"Okay, then." He finally said as I was picking up my skate board from the hall way that led to the front door. 

"See ya there!" I said before hanging up. I picked up a BMX helmet from the coat hanger and placed it on my white hair. Literally snow white.

I should probably describe myself. Okay. I had white hair, literally snow white hair, that went to my tummy button that was slightly waved like some sort of 'beach girl'. It's weird that my normal hair colour was white but my eye lashes and brows where a light brown. I had bright blue eyes like a fluffy Siamese cat and pale skin because I was practically a vampire. I had very light freckles on my nose that barely showed and I had a, sorta, slim face. I'm fairly skinny as well which is funny cause I spend most of my life eating. I'm one of those people who eat so much but never get fat which was a plus!

I exited the door, skate board at hand and lock the small house behind me. I jumped over all six stairs that led to the ground because I'm total badass ( :P ) and throwing down my board, I jumped onto it, propelling myself forwards towards the park. It wasn't far away, only down the road, but it took me seconds to get to it. Luckily, it was empty so I practiced jumping of the edge of the bowl into it and collecting enough speed to make it up the other side. A whole ten minutes had past and Luke still hadn't showed up. I was beginning to worry as he never missed plans he had made. I put on headphone and started to play 'Teenage Rebel by Chameleon Circuit' from their 'Still got Legs' album. I wondered to the front of the park to see if I could see him. I waited for five minutes and decided to call him. Walking back home, I scrolled through my very little amount of contacts to his name a clicked on it. At that moment, I collided with someone, dropping my board and phone and both I and the other person fell backwards. Landing on the hard concrete winded my but didn't hurt me...well, badly.

"Shit! Are you okay?" I said with worry and hurt on my backside. "I'm so, so sorry!"

"God, I'm so sorry!" The other person, or guy I should say, said. We both scrambled to our feet.

"That was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going and-" I started.

"It's okay. It was equally my fau-" He stopped as we looked at each other, both shocked with our eyes and mouths wide open. He had curly brown hair and the brightest green eyes I had ever seen. He had a white top on with a black hoddie on top with dark coloured jeans and black 'Vans'.

"You- you're..." I started. He pointed his finger at me like he had the greatest idea in the world. He smiled from ear to ear.

"You are PixelatedPixie!" He shouted out, very happily. I was so confused. How the hell did he know what my Youtube name was?

"You are KickthePJ!" I said mimicking his tone of voice. I was so shocked. This had to be a dream. 

"This is so freaking awesome! I never in a million years thought that I would meet you!" He carried on. At that point, my mouth came back to a slight frown and I drew my eyebrows together.

"It's amazing meeting you too but how do you know who I am?" I said, cocking my head to the side.

"I watch your videos! You are such an inspiration to me and my videos!" He exclaimed. Oh. My. God. One of my favourite Youtubers knew who I was! My mouth spread into a broad smile, showing my straight teeth.

"I can't believe this! I'm a subscriber...and a partial fangirl." I joked. We laughed momentarily before resuming our conversation but then my phone rang. It was on a patch of grass to the left of me where I had collided with PJ. The KickthePJ. I had completely forgot about my board and phone so I picked them both up. It was Luke calling and I answered the phone.

"Oh my god, Luke! Where were you?! You will never guess what just happened to me! I just ran into KickthePJ!" I rushed before Luke could even get a word in.

"Hi. It's nice to hear from you, too." He said, sarcastically. "I was caught up in something and yea. I was going to introduce you to PJ but I guess you already know him?" He started, turning the end of his sentence into a question. What?! He knew who PJ? Why the hell did he never tell me?

"I didn't know you knew him." Luke replied. Shit. Did I just think out loud? "Yes, yes you did Sam." He chuckled. "Be at the park in two minutes. I promise." He said and hung up. I put my phone in my pocket.

"Good bye to you, too." I said to my turned off phone and PJ chuckled.

"How come you are on the out-skirts of London?" I asked PJ.

"I was going to do some photography and filming for a new video." He said, happily.

"Oh, cool! What kind of video are you filming?" I asked with curiosity. 

"Classified information." He smirked and winked at me. I giggled and we made our way back to the park. At that moment, we heard a voice and running footsteps behind us.

"Hey, Peej! Wait up will ya!" It said. It sounded like a familiar voice but not Luke. I turned around to see a guy with black hair and a long fringe that was swept to the left of his face, pale skin, a 'Gengar' Pokemon top, black, skinny jeans and black trainers. It was Amazingphil.


Hey there *does a derp face and waves*

So this is a re-write of my old fanfiction because I didn't like the last one and it was messed up *silly angry face*! So I am creating this one :P I hope u is liking this one *yoda voice lol* and please stay tuned for mooooorrre! 


~ Kat =^.^= (shall I do the 'Kat' face? I feel I am stealing it from @EmmaChameleon ... :) ) x

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