Chapter 6 - Horror Movie

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A/N: Hey! umm, hmm. Okay. In this chapter there is a film called The Grudge. I haven't seen it so I dont know what happens cause im a woss. Lol. So yea. Comment for Slender though omfg :D See you at the end of the Chapter x


Me, Phil and Dan sit on their sofa. I was in between both of them, Phil on my left, Dan to my right. I was scared because I only ever saw the first part of The Grudge and freaked out. I didn't mind horrors because most of them were unrealistic and Slenderman. That never scared me. (OMG I love Slenderman :P) But I guess I'll sit tight and try to block out the scary stuff. The movie started. I huddled into the back of the couch. I saw Dan looking at me from the corner of my eye but I didn't dare face him. I felt awkward after the 'kiss' thing. I felt guilty and angry and...and...selfish? I should of nipped it in the bud then let it get out of hand. I didn't want to hurt him. Simple. Even if I do have a massive fangirling crush of the freaking Dan Howell that is sat right next to me, I can't be with him. He wouldn't want me anyway, I mean, who would? I'm a freak. I'm nothing but a freak. A freak that has the biggest fucking secret that you couldn't even handle. I am really and truly a freak. A outcast. A psychotic weirdo that really deserved to be a science lab, being chopped up. Why am I thinking all of this when I am with my idols? What the fuck. It's because I like him, is it? Yes, most likely.

"Are you alright?" A voice intruded my thoughts. I saw that it was Phil.

"Yea, fine!" I put on a fake smile even though I was crumbling inside. Phil looked at me and smiled slightly but I knew that he knew that I wasn't okay. I took out a bite of a Poptart that was on the coffee table. The chocolate melted in my mouth. Mmm. I started to relax. I put it back on the little plate that Phil had brought in. I stared at the curtains that draped over the windows to block out the six o'clock light to make the movie more 'spooky'.

"Please open them?" I asked her in a whisper so quiet, I could have been me mouthing it. I heard her gentle response. "Carefully." I said in the same whisper.
The curtain slowly and carefully started to edge its way back to the sides of the windows. It was so slow that it barely looked like it was moving. I checked to see if Dan and Phil were occupied with the movie that was now dripping with horror, so that the curtains could let in the slightest bits of light to ease my fright. She slowly pulled them back then stopped when the hem of the curtains where a couple of inches where away from each other. I breathed in, sighing in relief. I turned back to the TV, only for it to shriek and the most scary, frightful image shot up onto the screen. I yelped, jumping back and huddled into the closest thing next to me. Dan. I really didn't care because I was so scared. I put my hands over my ears and squeezed my eyes shut and tried to hide behind Dan, who I felt laughing. He tapped me on the shoulder. My hands came away from my ears the slightest bit so I could hear him.

"Are you okay?" He chuckled.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" Sarcasm dripping from my voice. I felt an arm snake over me, pulling me in and I know this sounds like another cliche and soppy romance fan fiction like encounter with 'danisnotonfire' but fireworks launched in my body. His touch made me feel warm and safe and protected. I wanted to nestle inside his arms like big teddy bear hug but things were awkward already. I was smiling like an idiot, but I hid it well.

"Better?" Dan asked.

"Well, as long as you don't turn into the ghost girl and eat me alive, then yes." I giggled and he chuckled in a reply.

"Can I ask you something...well, two things?" He asked.

"Fire away." I said, taking my hands away from my ears and looking up at him.

"Well, I, er. Hmm. I wanted to know if you actual hair is white. I mean, you are only, what, twenty and you have pure white hair?" He said, a slight laugh in his voice.

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