Chapter 2 - Starbucks

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His mouth dropped and once again, I was confused. 

"You are PixelatedPixie!" Phil exclaimed. I nodded furiously.

"You are AmazingPhil!" I mimicked his tone. He laughed. I took off my helmet and clipped it around my belt loop. "This is awesome meeting you guy." I said, smiling from ear to ear.

"It's awesome running into our idol." Phil said, excitedly. I drew my eye brows together and cocked my head to the side. 

"You? Idolize me?" I raised my voice slightly, pointing to PJ and Phil then to me. 

"We all do." A voice chuckled behind me. I span around to face Crabstickz (or Chris) and Luke. Chris started to jump up and down in excitement and clapped his hands together.

"Omg, omg, omg, omg." He impersonated a fangirl. "Is it really PixelatedPixie?" He rushed. 

"In the flesh and bone and by the way, I'm meant to be the one fangirling!" I laughed and so did the others. Chris embraced me in a big hug and lifted me off the ground, furiously shaking me side to side. It's funny because I'm 5 foot 11 inches and I'm very tall for a girl and that means that I'm only a bit smaller than most of the Fantastic Foursome. In other words, Chris only lifted me a couple of inches off the ground to get me the same height as him.

"Hey, hey, hey! Make sure you don't drop me!" I squealed. I heard them all laugh especially Chris who was lowering me to the ground. When I was on the floor, I punched Luke's arm.

"What was that for?" He growled at me. 

"That's for leaving me at the skate park and ditching me." I said in a serious but cheeky way. Luke rolled his eyes. I turned around to look at PJ, Phil and Chris. 

"Something isn't right..." I started. Phil and Chris looked confused while PJ took a picture of their faces, while they then scowled. I started to point at each of them.

"One. Two. Three..." I said in my best baby voice.

"Oh. Dan is at the apartment, making a video." Phil said, rising onto his tip toes then back down again.

Nobody knows, except one, that I have had a massive crush on Dan. I know, I know. Fangirling, right? But seriously. It wasn't on his looks (well, on that as well) but on his amazing personality that I couldn't deny. I had not subscribe to him, was sucked, because of the massive shitstorm of comments I would get saying 'OMG! You fancy Dan that's why u subscribed u slut asdfghjkl;' and so on.

"The party pooper. Well, he's unlucky because he didn't get to meet Samantha, the PixelatedPixie!" PJ said in a tremendous 'X-factor' (Or American Idol) voice. I giggled turning to him who then blushed the slightest bit pink.

"Well, the PixelatedPixie asks you to go and get a coffee? If you have time, of course." I quizzed them.

"Sure." The boys said in unison. I inwardly smiled, contently. If this was a crazy dream, it was one to relive forever. I just couldn't believe it. I know I was a little disappointed that Dan wasn't there...really disappointed. But I met three of my idols in the space of ten minutes, which was crazy. I shouldn't be so spoilt. 

We started to walk to the nearest Starbucks. When we got there, we all sat down and Phil got out his phone.

"What does everybody want? I'll go get it." I asked. They all gave me the money for their drinks.

"What you texting, Phil?" I asked him, sticking out my tongue.

"Just Dan. He is finished filming and I'm telling him where we are." He replied, looking at me sheepishly.

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