Chapter 20 - Cute Kissing

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We led on Dan's bed. Me tucked into the side of him, his arms protecting my body. It was warming and nice. It's crazy to think that seven months before, I was just another screaming fan. But now, I am his girlfriend...what the actual hell? 

I grinned to myself because, even with it's rough edges, life was coming together. It was beautiful. It made me realize that, yes, we really do only live once (ironic, huh?). 

"Sam?" Dan said. I propped myself up with my elbow to see his face, staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah?" I replied. He breathed in to talk, but thought about what he was going to say. "You okay?"

"It's about something." He started, propping himself, also, onto his elbow.

"You can tell me anything." I said, reassuringly. He sighed.

"Well, I think you should know about it. You told me your secrets, and if we are going to be even about it all, I should tell you mine." He said and I nodded for him to continue. "I have chronic depression." He breathed. I stared at him. I would never of thought he would.

"Dan..." I started. He flopped back down onto his bed and looked at the ceiling. "That's okay. I'm glad you told me. Does Phil know?" I asked. He shook his head, no. "When were you diagnosed?" 

"When I was eleven." He mumbled. "But when I'm with you, you make it all fade away, like I never had it in the first place." He said, turning his head to me. I smiled, knowing that I am making a good mark on his life. I lowered my head so that I could kiss his cheek but he swiftly took my head in his hands and placed it on his lips. I felt him smirk through the kiss and I smiled in response.

"You know how long I have been waiting for that?" He said with his cocky smile. I laughed but he lightly kissed me before it built up again. It was a proper make out session. He came to a sitting position and I straddled him, he was kissing me passionately but roughly. I cupped his face in my hands while his hands made their way to my ass...somehow.

A while later, we were in our laying down position, under the covers. It was warm and snug being next to him.

"Dan?" I asked and he responded with a hum. "When will we tell people?"

"People?" He asked in confusion.

"I mean, friends as well as Internet." I said, facing him. He thought for a while before coming to a conclusion.

"Internet; no. At least for now, anyway. I think it will just be too much." He explained and I nodded in agreement.

"Friends? I don't know..." He sighed.

"Could we just do it one by one? Like, first Phil, Chris, PJ and so on till we tell everyone gradually?" I suggested.

"Perfect." He smiled. I giggled at his words and he tackled me into a hug, pulling me close. "My little freak."

"Your little freak?" 

"My little freak." 

I laughed and he lightly kissed me on the nose before cuddling up to me, sharing my body heat. I curled up into his chest and he laid a protective arm over me. Everything was perfect.

I guess I'm his and he's mine <3 ;)

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