what loneliness taught me

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It's like I a l w a y s 
needed someone
to be there for me.

It's like I couldn't
stand the thought
of being alone,
of having
n o o n e
y o u r s e l f.

I couldn't stand
the thought of
having no one
to come to,
at the end of
a long day.

But all of that
was something
I had to face
e v e n t u a l l y.
Because at one point,
I didn't have
anyone but
m y s e l f.

Maybe that's why
people say
loneliness is dangerous,
because you
realize that
you don't actually
need  a n y o n e.

I learned to
love loneliness.

I learned to
talk a lot less,
& write a lot more.

I learned to
spill my emotions,
on a blank
sheet of paper
of a blue text bubble.

I learned to
fall asleep
to the sound of
sad music, instead
of someone else's

I learned a lot of things being alone.

But most importantly,
I learned that
I don't need anyone
that doesn't need me.

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