Oh well

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      Trigger Warning (sort of) kidnapping

   Virgils POV

After I got tickled I ate butter and toast for breakfast. Papa said he had to go wash clothes. I decided to go on an adventure. I walked into a room that had coats and boots and a door. Then the door opened and a guy that looked creepy came in. "Who are you?" I asked him. "Goodbye I am not deciet." I thought you said hello when you met someone. Oh well. He didn't tell me his name. "Who are you?" I repeated. Then all of a sudden he covered my mouth and grabbed me. I bit him but when I looked around we weren't in my house. At least I didn't think so. What if I never see papa again. Or the other glasses guy or Woman. This made me really sad and I started to cry. Not deciet came over and hugged me. What if papa never hugged me again? This made me cry harder. He shushed me and ran his fingers through my hair. "Do you not want to watch a movie?" Not deciet asked me. "Movie movie movie movie!" I chanted. He pointed over to a little blue basket on the floor with movies and books. I stood up and saw that I was missing a shoe. Oh well. I grabbed a movie that had a bear on it. I also grabbed a book with a kitty on it. Not deciet took the movie and this box ate it. But then it came up on the TV. I opened the book but it had no color. I looked up at Not deciet. He walked over and grabbed a little box. I opened it and looked inside. There were all these coloring things. Not deciet softly grabbed my hand and the black color. He dragged it across the kitten in the inside of the book. This was so cool! I couldn't wait to tell papa. I scribbled while the funny bear ate yellow jelly on the tv. I soon grew sleepy and fell asleep on Not deciets lap.

       Pattons POV

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh. I internally screamed. We had lost Virgil again! I am a terrible father. How will we find him. I started to silently cry as I looked in the foyer. Then I noticed a little black and purple converse shoe.

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