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Third Person POV; with the Avengers

  "Thor, you go in from the north, I'll go from the south. Then we'll work in from there," Steve commanded, pulling down his signature Captain America helmet. Thor nodded in understanding, using his hammer to transport him to the north side of the abandoned ship.

  "Romanoff, Barton, you'll be our eyes and ears, so stay sharp. Stark-"

  "Yeah, yeah. I got it," Stark cut in.

  "Are you sure you do? 'Cause you were the one who created this mess," Steve growled back, his eyes flashing with anger.

  "Don't get your panties in a twist Cap," Tony responded, before he took off in his Ironman suit, heading to the top of the ship.

  "He's just trying to get under your skin," Natasha comforted Steve the best she could.

  "It's working," Steve responded, before heading to the southern part of the ship.


  Thor and Steve met in the middle of the ship as planned, both armed and ready for the inevitable battle with Ultron. While Steve cued Stark in, Thor was focused on his sister, who stood behind the twins. She didn't seem distressed at that moment, which was all Thor could hope for. However, he could tell she was hiding something, maybe it was because of her stance, maybe because of a brother's intuition.

  Astrilde held herself in a way that screamed 'given up', which was easy to see for a man who had lived for a thousand years. Thor immediately zoned in on the Maximoff twins, blaming them for anything and everything that occurred to his sister.

  "Thor, the plan's a go," Steve whispered, his eyes glancing at the pained man next to him. "Are you sure you'll be ok? I don't want your sister to get in the way of the mission."

  "I will be fine. Stark is the one we should be worrying about," Thor responded, his voice in a low, gravelly whisper.

  "Don't compare me with Stark!" Ultron suddenly yelled, his voice increasing in volume throughout the sentence. Ultron kicked Klaue down a staircase, and Klaue's lackey ran after him. "It's a thing with me. Stark, he's the sickest!"

  "Aw junior," Tony's voice sounded. Astrilde's eyes widened in shock, darting to the Ironman suit standing opposite to her. Behind him stood Steve and Thor, both battle ready. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of her friends, especially her brother.

  Without thinking of the consequences, she attempted to run over to her brother as soon as she saw him, tears welling in her eyes. However, she was held back by Pietro and Wanda. The former in particular, since he was stronger than his sister. "You're going to break your old man's heart," Tony said after he landed. The two men behind him, Thor and Steve, stepped closer to Tony.

  "If I have to," Ultron responded monotonously.

  "Let go of me!" Astrilde growled at the twins, not noticing the other's attention on her. They were quickly diverted when Thor spoke.

  "Nobody has to break anything," Thor replied to Ultron, but his eyes focused on Astrilde.

  "Clearly you've never made an omelet," Ultron responded, walking towards the three Avengers.

  "You beat me by one second," Tony said, addressing Thor right next to him.

  "Guys, this is funny. Mr. Stark... this is what, comfortable?" Pietro asked, releasing his grip from Astrilde. Wanda tightened her own grip on Astrilde when Pietro let go. Pietro glanced at his twin before walking closer to Ultron. "Like old times?" Pietro finished his thought.

  "This was never my life..." Stark stated weakly.

  "You two can still walk away from this," Steve informed the twins.

  "No, we will," Wanda responded, incredibly sure of herself. Astrilde started struggling against the brunette's grip. A cold sensation suddenly came over Astrilde, and she gasped, frozen in place by swirling red magic.

  "I know you've suffered," Steve stated, walking closer. His worried glance at Astrilde did not go unnoticed by Wanda, but the witch didn't stand down.

  "Ahah, Captain, you'll never get it. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth-" Ultron shook his head as he spoke.

  "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," Thor persuaded gently. Astrilde frowned. Thor's only flaw: his belief in what's fair. At least, that's what Loki always told me. I must agree, that is a truth occasionally. Thor is lenient sometimes.

  "You're confusing peace with quiet," Ultron started walking closer, voice filled with oncoming malice.

  "Yuh huh. What's the vibranium for?" Stark brushed off.

  "Tony! It's for-" Astrilde called, before yelling out in pain. Thor's sister fell to the ground, her chest rising and falling in shallow breaths. Wanda's red eyes met Thor's for a moment with no hint of remorse, her eyes returning to their natural green. Thor's fist clenched against Mjolnir in barely contained anger. The only thing that comforted the prince was his knowledge that even Wanda Maximoff would have her limits. She was only a kid, so she wouldn't permanently hurt Astrilde.

  "I'm glad you asked that because I would like to take this time to explain my evil plan," Ultron stated sarcastically after a quick glare at the barely moving body of Astrilde. Suddenly, a blue magnet like disturbance came from Ultron's hand, pulling Stark towards him. Not even a second later, a red beam shot Stark back in the opposite direction, slamming him into the metal hull of the ship. At the exact same time, two of Ultron's clones attacked Thor and Steve simultaneously. The long and taxing fight had begun, both for them mentally and physically.


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