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WARNING: Possible triggering events.


  Astrilde, despite her situation, was full out grinning. She had managed to evade her brother and hitch a ride with Natasha and Clint, two badass assassins who Astrilde had come to admire in the short time she'd known them. It had been a day, and then the Avengers, plus Astrilde, ventured out to Sokovia in search of the scepter.

  Explosions sounded from all around her in the vehicle, but she focused on the path they were on. She stood beside Clint, aka. Hawkeye, throwing daggers with extreme accuracy. They reminded her of her older brother Loki, who despite his trickery, had been fiercely protective of her and taught her to wield the daggers.

  Clint, however, was shooting arrows with even better precision than the Asgardian. Each one hit their target, and she swore some of them exploded on impact. She was too distracted by the HYDRA goons they were attacking to truly focus on anything else, even as Natasha maneuvered the jeep around trees and rocks. Not to mention, the oncoming attacks from guns and weird blue projectiles.

  Not many think that fighting was even remotely interesting. For Astrilde though, it was her home turf next to her powers of love. Unfortunately, she had abandoned her powers, so fighting was really all she had left. On a more positive note, combat on Midgard had a certain flair to it, unlike Asgard or the other realms. She attributed that feeling to her elation of being on the realm itself, not because the fighting was particularly noteworthy.

  Astrilde was awoken from her thoughts when she saw Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit fighting enemies alongside Thor. She admired how they used their flight and strength to their advantage, they used interesting strategies with the powers they possessed.

  Unfortunately, she had to focus more on her situation when the jeep approached a roadblock. Natasha, with incredibly quick thinking, made the jeep drift sideway, so the trio could exit the vehicle quickly.

  Astrilde smiled as she landed hard on the ground. There was something about being on the earth that made the battle even more real for her. She pulled her sword from the sheath on her side, not waiting a moment to strike any foes near her. She refrained from killing them, she wasn't an inherently murderous person, but still hurt them enough for it to burn in the morning. If they managed to reach the morning once the Sokovian government got to them.

  Eventually, Astrilde tired of swinging the sword and went back to her unlimited amount of daggers. The magic Loki had taught her truly helped her, and she was thankful in that moment as she hit further targets.

  "Shit!" Tony suddenly yelled through the comms. She jumped, missing a HYDRA agent's shin, instead hitting their thigh. She winced at their yell of pain. That would leave a mark.

  "Language!" Steve yelled with equal ferocity. Astrilde couldn't help but laugh at the captain's response. Looking in the sky, she could see Tony flying around the central building. For what? She couldn't decipher at that moment.

  "Stark? I'm heading for the central base. You look like you could use some help," She spoke. He answered with an affirming grunt. That was enough for her to start running in the direction of the HYDRA base, moving much quicker than any 'normal' standard Midgard dweller possessed.

  "J.A.R.V.I.S., what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asked the AI. Astrilde had to admit that at first she was a bit apprehensive at the disembodied voice. She hadn't experienced something quite like it on Asgard, though their technology was more advanced than Midgard's.

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