Chapter Six.

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Your welcome XD. I'm uploading two times this weekend instead of one. I am because we have an extra day of the weekend because of a holiday. So here you go! Enjoy!


Yes, Changbin woke once again because of another dream. It was around 11pm this time. At least it wasn't too early.

He tried to go back to sleep but failed. He decided he was going to go out for a walk to take things off of his wandering mind.

He put on some black joggers with two white stripes down the sides and threw on his favorite red hoodie then headed outside. It was dark but some of the streetlights helped him walk down the sidewalk without him falling.

He had been walking around town for almost an hour now. So, he decided it was time to head home. As he was beginning to head home, it started to rain. It was just slightly at first but then it started to pour.

Changbin tried to run home before he would get soaked, but he knew that wouldn't happen. Considering he was about 15 minutes away from his house.
As Changbin was jogging slowly on the sidewalk, he noticed a dark figure standing in the middle of the road. He decided to slow down so he could get a better look. Rain was pounding on his hoodie that was already soaked now.
He stood there studying the dark figure. The dark figure started to light up slowly. Realizing that the figure was standing in the road, Changbin only knew one light that could be shinning on the figure. A car.
He hurriedly looked both ways and saw the car gradually getting closer to the figure. Changbin knew what he had to do.
He ran as fast as he could and right before the car had passed, he pushed the figure out of the road. He landed on the dark figure, only to be greeted with brown soft eyes, blonde hair, and yes, freckles.

The blonde haired boy looked scared. And there Changbin was just casually laying on him now.

Once Changbin got a good look at his face and realized that he should probably get off of the boy, he did. He also noticed that the boy had redness around his eyes as if he were crying before Changbin pushed him.

He stood up awkwardly and took his hand out so that he could help the boy up. The boy took his hand and stood up also.

This boy was taller than Changbin, and he was wearing all black.

"Um, are you okay?" Changbin asked looking at the drenched wet boy.

He sniffled. "Yes."

"Umm, if we stay out here any longer we'll probably get sick." Changbin said beginning to walk but noticing that the boy wasn't following him.

"Um, you coming?" Changbin asked.

Right after Changbin said that, the boy fell. Changbin thought he must have fainted for some reason.

Changbin was going to leave but he knew he couldn't leave a boy laying in the streets in the pouring rain. If he did, he definitely be called cold hearted. But everyone around him knew that he just acted like that so that nobody would mess with him.

He knew that there was only one way to bring the boy to his house.

And that was to carry him.

Changbin hoped he wasn't heavy, because Changbin knew he was weak.

Changbin picked up the boy who was now unconscious. Changbin noticed that his head was bleeding, he then knew he had to hurry.

He started to jog but he had gotten tired and started to fast walk instead.


He finally arrived, out of breath. He had to adjust himself to open the door with his hand.

He laid the boy on his bed. Which was probably a mistake because the boy was soaked. He then went and grabbed a few towels, one included for himself.

Changbin started to clean the wound on his head. Changbin's  face was close to his, so he decided to look at him for just a second.

He realized the boy was definitely not full Korean. He could see it in his eyes and mostly his skin color. Korean skin is usually very pale, but that boys skin was very tanned. And also, he had freckles. Most Koreans didn't have those. So he couldn't have been full Korean. Oh and also, when he was speaking to Changbin earlier, his language didn't seem as fluent as a natural Koreans would be.

That one second of looking came to be about 5 minutes worth of looking. Changbin felt embarrassed that he did that for so long. Even if the boy was unconscious, he somewhat felt weird.


The boy woke up and was confused when he looked around. He still had the same clothes on that he had yesterday. Plus, he had a headache. He decided to get up and peek out of the room. He looked at the clock that was on the wall and it read 6:57am. It had just begun to light up outside. He peeked more out of the room and saw somebody sleeping on a couch.

He remembered seeing him last night. Why am I at his house? He asked himself.

He then walked over and looked down at the boy that was sleeping on the couch. He looked very peaceful while he was sleeping.

The blonde haired boy sat on the other couch and waited for the dark haired boy to get up.

The blonde was getting impatient just waiting there on the couch, so he decided to get up and wake the other boy up.

He began to slightly shake him.

"Um, hello? Are you awake?" He asked. Why would I even ask that? He's obviously still sleeping. He face palmed himself. When the slap was heard Changbin then woke up and automatically looked at the blonde haired boy.

"Um s-sorry." He said.

"It's fine. Um, how are you feeling?" Changbin asked awkwardly as he sat up.

"I just have a headache." He said.

"I'm sure. You hit your head pretty hard. I'm surprised you didn't end up with a concussion." Changbin said.

"So that explains what happened to my head. Concluding I have a huge bandage on it." The blonde haired boy said while slightly laughing to break the tension.

"Um, Changbin, Seo Changbin." Changbin formed a tight smile and held his hand out.

"Ah, I'm Lee Felix." Felix said as he shook Changbin's hand.

Sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter than normal. Anyways, FELIX IS FINALLY HERE, YAY!
Oh, and if there are any mistakes, I apologize lol. I only read it two times to fix it so yeah lol. Okay, so I have over 200 views! Thank you so much!!!!! I send lots of love!!💞💞💞💞 :)

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