Chapter Twenty-One.

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"Felix are you sure you're okay?"Changbin said worriedly as him and Felix walked into his apartment.

"I-I don't know." Felix stuttered before Changbin grabbed his hand and lead him to his room.

Once they were in Changbin's room, he made Felix lay on his bed while he went to get a cold wash cloth to put on the younger's head.

He got back and put the cloth on the blondes forehead as he sat down on the bed beside of him.

"So, do you want to tell me who those two guys are yet?" Changbin questioned.

Felix didn't answer and only replied with giving Changbin an 'I really don't want to right now' look.

"Fine, but you better tell me later." Changbin said before taking Felix's hand in his own.

"Me dating Jisung still isn't stopping you is it?" Felix questioned.

"What?" Changbin asked before he loosened his grip on Felix's hand.

"I mean, you obviously like me enough to still sway me into liking you even more."

Changbin didn't respond and just took his hand away from Felix's.

"Hey, I didn't mean it bad." Felix said as he rose up from laying down and took Changbin's hand back.

Changbin looked back at Felix. Changbin was holding back his tears and Felix knew he was.

"Hey." Felix spoke up and brought both of his hands to Changbin's face wiping the newly fallen tears.

"I want to tell you something later. Okay. Promise to remind me. I'll take a small nap so I can calm down a bit and when I get up, I'm going to tell you something." Felix said as he looked into Changbin's teary eyes and took his hands away from Changbin's face.

Changbin nodded.

And Felix laid back down before Changbin tucked him in and walked out of his room to leave him in peace while he sleeps.


Jisung looked at the guy in front of him and he was in awe.

"Please! Pretty please!" Jisung begged to the brown headed boy.

"I promise I'll pay you back the next time I see you!" Jisung slightly said raising his voice.

"Stop, people are probably looking at us funny." The brown headed boy whispered.

"Sorry, hyung." Jisung said as he looked down at his feet acting innocent.

"Jisung, honey it's fine." The brown headed boy said as he took his fingers and lifted Jisung's head up by his chin.

"I'll get the stuffed animal for you. But, there's one condition." He said to Jisung raising one eyebrow.

"What is it?" Jisung said opening his eyes really wide.

"You have to kiss me on the cheek later." The older said.

"That's easy. Deal." Jisung said as he took he hand out and reached towards the older.

"Deal." The older secures the deal by shaking the youngers hand.

"You better not break it." The older said raising his eyebrows.

"I won't hyung!" Jisung said before picking out the squirrel plushie and both of them walking to the counter.


"Pfff, haha!" Changbin laughed as Jisung walked in the door.

"What are you laughing at?" Jisung said as he scrunched his eyebrows together.

"The thing your holding looks like you!" Changbin said before busting out laughing again.

"Yah! Don't laugh at my squirrel!" Jisung said before chasing Changbin around the living room and kitchen.

Then Changbin immediately stopped when he saw Felix standing in the doorway of his room.

"Oh! Did we wake you Felix? I'm sorry, it was my fault." Changbin said concerned and walked up to Felix.

"No, it's fine. I got enough sleep. Thank you for letting me sleep in your room." Felix said before he was about to leave.

"Wait, didn't you have something to tell me?" Changbin questioned.

"Oh, um... it can wait. Sorry hyung."

"No, Felix, you need to tell him now." Jisung spoke up.

"Jisung, I can't." Felix pleaded.

"It'll be okay. I'll leave and go hang with Hyunjin until you get done." Jisung said before he put a hand on Felix's shoulder and gave him a slight smile and left them both alone.

They sat in an uncomfortable silence. Completely opposite of when they were eating ice cream earlier.

"So what is it?" Changbin asked.

Sorry for once again another short chapter. Sorry again, school and practice have tripped me up these few weeks. I'll try to type some up tonight after I do some homework... sorry for typos also.

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