Part 3

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B: *After a rather busy night sleep - his brain carried on trying to work out the mystery in his book, this time without Hyde - he sat up and breathed in the cool air. Folding his duvet back, he swung his long legs over and onto the floor, his large feet meeting his navy blue slippers. Submerging his feet into them, he stood up and opened the curtains to the room. The back of his eyes ached in the bright morning light. To his delight however, there was a light dusting of frost out on the street. It was sure to melt further into the day, but it did look beautiful. Robert removed his research log and diary from the beside table and also picked up his book that he'd been reading last night. As soon as his fingers touched the book, his mind snapped back to the mystery. Obviously it'd all be resolved and figured out at the end, but he loved trying to work out the nitty-gritty of these mystery books. Slowly, he made his way downstairs into the main room. Light was desperately trying to come into the room - it was peaking through the curtains and blinds that were over all the front windows. Lines of light were trailing along the deep red, patterned rug that lay on the floor. He placed his books on the coffee table which sat in front of the fire. The room was warm, toasty in fact due to the fire from last night. Robert trundled over to the kettle, filled it with water and took a filter out of a drawer. Using a teaspoon, he measured out his preferred amount of tea leaves into the filter. Once the kettle had boiled, he poured the hot water into the filter. The water gradually passed through the tea leaves, golden coloured water trickling into the mug. After passing the same water through the same leaves to get a darker, strong tea, he splashed a little milk in and then sat in front of the fire again*.

A: Keza unlocked herself from the heavy chains after retrieving the key from the almost too small area. Her bones cracked as she stood, and she aided them along by stretching out. Her Nan had always warned against cracking her bones, but it always made her feel better, and Nan thought electric light caused sickness. Keza shook her head in the cold caravan, and made her way outside, barefoot into the frost. She carefully tiptoed to the fire pit she had made and built a fire to warm herself by. A pot went over it, and she made coffee by boiling it in the pot. Just before she went to scoop some out into her mug she added cold water to make the grounds settle to the bottom and the coffee cool enough to drink right away. She drank down the muddy looking stuff quickly, grabbing a half stale hunk of bread to eat before she set out for the day. The meager breakfast satisfied her for now, but she was used to it after all. There was always room for more, yet no more to eat.

B: *After finishing his tea, Jekyll had got changed into his suit: a grey themed one, blue tie. Today, he planned on doing an experiment for research, and also sorting his stock out in the lab basement. He also realized that he'd need to go shopping for groceries. Since he lived alone, he only needed to stock up on food items once a week, although over the last two weeks he'd lived on a lot since he'd been so engrossed in work and experiments. Deciding it probably best to go out during the early hours of today than later - it'd be quieter now and less chaotic - he refrained from having breakfast and thought he could buy something much nicer for once. The bakery sounded a good idea. Quickly, he dressed for the outdoors, this time not forgetting his gloves. Out of his two long coats, he picked the fur lined one. Placing his hat on his head, he emerged from the house, locking the door and slipping the key into an inside pocket of his coat. It was bitterly cold! He could see his breath before him, like the steam above a boiled cup of water. Quickly, he strode towards the main street, where his thoughts of there being no one about were demolished. In front of him was a wall of people, all bickering and concerned looking. Due to his tall size, he could see over most of them and saw something which caused a tremor of utter dread to ripple through him. There was a man lying on the floor. His face so pale and grey, he could be a ghost. But the fascinating thing was that there were marks on his neck. There was a little blood too where the nails of the the attacker had penetrated the victim's skin. Robert's eyes were wider than they'd ever been before.*

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