Part 4

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B: *Robert seemed to snap from his rather distraught reality to normal reality. His brown eyes glared right into her*, "Err - errm", *He stuttered*, "sorry that is no polite way to greet somebody", *he sniffed trying desperately to compose himself*, "I shall be honest with you, no, no I am far from alright", *everything was running through his head at once, at a million miles an hour. Now, he just wanted to go home, but then he remembered he was on his way to the bakery. How nice the break tasted in his mouth; the crunch, the freshness, the fluffy inside, or a crisp croissant with jam. He seemed to perk up a little. Wiping a tear from his eye, he sat up a little*, "gosh i feel like i could guzzle down a gallon of whiskey now..." *he stated randomly*

A: "It's quite alright, today seems to be quite stressful." Keza smiled sympatheticly at him, pulling a white handkerchief from her sleeve and offering it to him. She couldn't ever stand to see someone else so upset, though she could see him calming down. "Though it is a bit early for drinking, isn't it?" Her voice held a laugh, though her eyes showed it off much more than she would ever show. "I'm Keza, though if you'd like you can call me Kezzie."

B: "I'll have to admit I spent one morning consuming much alcohol...a dear friend died, so we all let lose at my friends pub you see", *he let out some form of laugh, but was still rather horrified. He took the handkerchief from her and wiped his face. He'd broke into a cold sweat. Dabbing his eyes, he realized he hadn't introduced himself. But he wasnt sure if he wanted to. He'd known from past experience that he was trouble - although that too had been proved today*, "Robert", *he said behind a sniff*, "thank you for the tissue, most kind.." *he croaked. He felt sick with guilt, physically sick*.

A: "I've known days like that before. Sometimes life calls for a day to drink troubles away." Keza let herself giggle, touching her fingertips to her lips like she'd seen fancy ladies do. 'His name, ah! The man with the parcel that I ran into. This is the doctor.' Her mind connected the dots. "You're very welcome, it was the least I could do. But.... You wouldn't happen to be Dr. Robert Jekyll, would you?"

B: Robert's eyes widened, then narrowed*, "Yes, I am, why?" *He was a little surprised that she knew his name. He patted his face one last time before handing her the handkerchief back. He huffed, shaking his head and placing his hand on his forehead in dismay. Finally, he'd calmed down a little. He had to find a way around this properly, not by freaking out. A deal breath in. A deep breath out*.

A:  Keza took the hankercheif and shoved it hastily into her pocket. She took her own deep breath to calm herself and think. "I'm really sorry, this must be such an inconvenience to you. I've heard that you could help me with a special condition of mine." she spoke softly but emphasized the word 'special'. She had a hopeful look on her face, this conversation went through her head so many times before, though she'd imagined him much older in her mind.

B: *Jekyll blinked quickly a few times. Really, the only people he spoke to was the professor in the chemist and the grocer who he went to to get his food; otherwise he didn't converse with anyone*, "And may I ask where you heard this?" *He asked politely*.

A: "One of my distant cousins said he knew of you. He said you suffered similarly, but you had a medication." She explained, trying to keep it brief. "Though my condition is non voluntary and a bit more... Well, I wouldn't like to explain it out in the public."

B: *Jekyll wasn't sure what to think. She did, though, look quite awful at this moment in time. Despite the cold, this lady looked pale, unwell, her body looked unwell, one could argue she might have had the flu but it seemed more than that. He wasn't sure what to say either. Indeed, he did suffer a condition, a condition which surely nearly no one, or no one except him had. So what did she speak of? He had to admit to himself, he did indeed collect any ingredients or new chemicals he could, so maybe he could help*, "I don't tend to converse or help anyone these days, the least I can offer you is a cup of tea?" *He suggested, avoiding her statement somewhat*

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