Chapter 1: One-Sided

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unfairly giving or dealing with only one side of a contentious issue or question; biased or partial.

· (of a contest or conflict) having a gross inequality of strength or ability between the opponents.

· (of a relationship or conversation) having all the effort or activity coming from one participant.

It is a very strange word, but it existed for a reason. Everything exists for a reason. Every mistake, every glitch, everybody.

Template and Pale is a pretty good example of things that do not follow the way most people think they should be. Pale is not even supposed to be alive (let alone, feel emotions) and Template is supposed to be just like E̵̬̥͇̅͒̕r̷̡̘̰͋̑͆r̷͚̼̖͛̐̒o̵̧͖̝̿̔̈́r̵̤̫̥̄̑̉. But, purposely or not, they had defied what the multiverse had labeled them as.

Not to mention, they could be one-sided at times. After all, Pale is the one to not really talk that much so their conversation is bound to be one-sided. Or maybe if Pale is feeling touchy for whatever reason after consuming a universe and he's about to fight Template, the conflict (or fight in this case) could have the chance to be one-sided.

The relationship part, on the other hand, is . . . complex to say the least. Even their relationship right now is complicated. Pale can barely feel anything without drinking creativity, which is pretty much a random chance if he has a good feeling or not. Not to mention, Template calls Pale his 'arch nemesis'. But it's not always the case. Sure, there are those moments.

"What do you think you're doing?" Disgruntled.

"No... Why?" Depressed.

"Ughh, it's you again." Annoyed.

"Release me! You will pay for what you have done!" Anger.

"I HATE YOU!" Hate.

But, there are those other moments as well.

"Oh stars! Pale, are you hurt?" Concerned.

"Seriously Pale! I spent hours working on that pose just for you! At least pretend you're a little bit impressed!" Frustrated.

"Get some rest, you'll feel better when you wake up." Caring.

"Come on! This always makes me happy, I bet you might feel something!" Determined.

And the way Template would occasionally look at him, even Pale could recognize there were emotions that were hidden behind those eye sockets of his during those moments. But those moments were short-lived, always ending as soon as it started.

To put it simply, it's difficult to answer unless it actually happened. Luckily for you my dear and probably curious reader, you get to know what it MIGHT be like. I say that mostly because I am most likely (definitely) gonna get some facts wrong, but at least I am trying, alright! (Also, Unu, if you're by any random chance reading this... I am very deeply incredibly sorry you had to see this)

But either way, canon or not, it's not going to be completely pretty. What would you expect from them? Especially if one of them can barely feel emotions unless they do something that infuriates the other. Also because this is a story, and a story needs to have a conflict if it wants to be interesting.

One-Sided (Template x Pale)Where stories live. Discover now