Chapter 9: First

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     The snow fell down slowly, clumped snowflakes dancing in the cold winds as Template looked up at the sky. His legs swung back and forth under the bench he was perched at as he waited patiently. Puffs of fog escaping from his nonexistent and quivering lips as he hugged himself in the freezing cold. He regretted not bringing his jacket, but he couldn't go back now, not when he was with a very strong reason he didn't want to miss.

     "Template?" A monotonous voice called out, Template looked over at source to find the previously mentioned reason.

     In his white turtleneck, a zipped up short-sleeved white hoodie with a fluffy hood flipped up, a pleated pink skirt that cut off right above his knees, some black leggings, and blue crocs was Pale. Since Template had briefly left him alone be to get dressed, Pale had been drained of all of his happiness, which was a relief to Template considering he thought Pale would try to find more universes. Template stood up and walked over to Pale quickly.

     "Pale! I'm so glad you finally came! You look amazing!"  Template immediately praised, smiling down at Pale who only stared back blankly in return. Template's smile persisted a little more until several uncomfortable and silent seconds later before he frowned a little. "Could you at least say something in return?"

     Pale eyes continued stay at Template's before examining his body and back up at him. He then pointed at the sweater tied around his waist.

     "Cold." He stated, Template blushed a little before laughing awkwardly and waving Pale off.

     "It's fine, I'm fine! And we won't be outside for long so it's not too much of a big deal. Thanks though for worrying about me a little!" Pale just kept looking up at him before Template cleared his throat. "Anyway, now that's over..." Template brought his hand out to his date, smiling toothily at him as he played out what he had rehearsed in a mirror several times before coming here. "Allow me to give you a wonderful time tonight~"

     Pale finally took his gaze from Template's eyes and onto his outstretched hand. He understood what to do, placing his hand on top of his much to the other's pleasure as his fingers curled around his hand and let their linked hand fall down to their sides. After that Template lead them through the snow. The feeling of the material of his gloves were kinda nice, and it helped with the cold that nipped at Pale's fingers. And from looking up at him, he seemed so focused, so excited, a bounce with every step he took; he had only looked back at Pale as they stood at the door of the restaurant, which he had opened up for Pale and let go of him so that he could walk inside. 

     It was small but not really packed, it was mostly just some small groups of humans and monsters conversing freely and with no concerns that filled the place with distant chatter. The autumn colors of oranges, reds, yellows, and browns as well as the dim lighting gave the restaurant a warm and cozy atmosphere that warmed up their cold bodies and melted any snowflakes that were on them.

     "Come on," Template urged as he brought Pale over to a table for two, setting Pale down on one of the chairs before sitting down with him. Pale just sat there looking down and, with a lack of a better word, admired the polished surface of the dark oak table that had shined even with the dim lights.

     He continued to look down at the table while Template talked with him about trivial things, and when the waitress came to take their orders, only looking back up when Template called his name.

     "Why don't you take your hoodie off? You must be sweating under there and you might be a bit more comfortable taking it off. Dates are supposed to be comfortable after all!" Pale looked up at him, blinking for a few seconds before he brought his fingers to the zipper and taking it off slowly yet smoothly before hanging on the chair behind him; what was hidden from under the hoodie was the ribbon Pale usually tied around his arm that was now loosely around his neck in a limp bow. Template was impressed a little, finding it kinda cute that Pale thought of this when he was still happy. He could only think the thought process that was going through his mind when he thought of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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