Chapter 5: Behind Prison Bars

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~3rd Pov~

Pale looked at Template dead in the eyes, his own eyes still having a tint of the sorrowful sapphire blue that Pale had consumed. Tears were still running down his face but everything had died down since then.

Template stayed at the now empty AU, refusing to allow Pale out of his sight again. If Pale could feel anything other than a small hint of sadness right now, it would have been pure hate. And right now, that's how Template felt.

Pale could see the poorly hidden raging anger Template had. He snarled and glared, occasionally growling and telling Pale hat he did was wrong. It was a miracle that he wasn't trying to have another fight with him.

Template knew Pale could have gotten 'scared' and run off if he tried to fight him. So he just give Pale simple slap on the wrist... Okay, it was a harsh whack with his pen, but that's was slap on the wrist compared to any other punishment for what is quite literally mass genocide. But still, Template would have gave him hell if he could.

"Can't you just let me be?" Pale asked, his voice so dry and quiet from the previous sobbing. Template shook his head.

"I'm not going to allow that!" He shouted him, some of the barely contained anger spewing out from the pits of his soul. It manage to make Pale jump and scoot back away from him. Template noticed this and he huffed quietly to himself. "Why would you think I would ever let you?" He spoke a bit more calmly, but his hate for him was still clearly there.

"Just..." Just then the last bit of sadness faded out of his system. His eyes returned to the normal light gray they always have been, the ones Template was so used to seeing. Pale wiped his face from whatever leftover tears were still streaming down his face before laying of his back, staring blankly at nothing.

It went all back to the way Template had planned it to. The way that left Template the hero and Pale in his grasps.

It seemed like he was behind one of those cartoon prison cells where the bars are so spaced apart. Real life told him that technically he could get away and slip through those bars while his hero was not paying attention, but something told him or forced him to stay there.

In that case though it's most likely caused by stupid logic for the good guys to have a happy ending. But this wasn't an ending, nor was it a story to Pale. It was just a way of life ever since he met Template, more specifically when Template declared they were enemies.

"That's what I thought." Template annoyed muttering from under his breath snapped Pale away from his thoughts and back into reality. He looked over at Template, who was looking away in a huff.

Pale could feel his black ink oozing between his fingers as much as he felt temptation flowing in with the ink. But as he was tempted to just melt out of here, he only crawled his way close to Template and plopped down close to him.

For a while, there was an unbearable silence for Template. Pale laid his chin in his crossed arms while Template kept Pale in the corner of his eye.

Pale let out a small hum, which caused Template to look at him. Immediately his face softened when he looked at Pale. Pale looked at him and forced a tiny smile.

'Mind as well let him have his happy ending.'

One-Sided (Template x Pale)Where stories live. Discover now