· · · Special · · ·

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Ya know what tomorrow is?~

It's a very special day to not many people~

It's my birthday!

It's a bit weird considering this book is a gift to my ex, but now it's treated like a normal book where it's a gift to all of you, and now I'm writing my own gift for my birthday, which I'm also gifting to you because what's the point of writing something and not sharing it. But I like overgifting and torturing myself!

Since I did my gift on Separable Opposites last year for my birthday, I thought I should do this one this year, just to change it up a bit.

I deeply hope you enjoy!~


     A ballpoint pen danced energetically between the faint blue lines of notebook paper, a small playful giggle came from the very owner of the hand that had hugged the inky tool as it continued to move freely to create a story containing only letters and the black ink that marked the creation of this small world.

... The room was heated as the two lover melted into one. With his arms wrapped around the taller tightly, he screamed out the very person who was over him. The bed let out whines along with the smaller with every powerful thrust inside of him. Oh how he was weak under him~ "I- I can't take it~ I'm g-going to burst~" The taller smirked down at his submissive counterpart crying out and brought his lover into a passionate and lust-filled kiss. It didn't take long for both to reach their orgasms as they both came together as a euphoric feeling flowed through their bones. They both look at each other as they pulled away from their epic kiss, heaving for the breath the other had stolen from them...

     Template laughed to himself as he shut the homemade book, which was just stapled paper, with an awkward and prolonged flop. Finally he had just finished the juiciest chapter on his new fan-fic, and boy was he proud of his writing! An evident goofy grin only making it more obvious as he set a pen down at the wooden nightstand placed next to him.

    A whiter skeleton looked over at the dark skeleton after hearing the noise from closing the book, his eyes blank and holding no emotion in particular -as always- as he glanced at the book before staring directly at him.

     Today was Pale and Template's first year anniversary (or at least. would be considering 365 nights passed in this multidimensional multiverse) and, as of yesterday, Template had just finished a little house for the both of them to lay around in (And also a bit because he heard somewhere that Ink built a home for him and his own lover, so why not recreate it).

     And as of now, they're sitting in their really comfy mattress, near to each other after an exhausting day of Template dragging his lover around to places for some admittedly sappy dates. At the end of the day they both just needed rest.

     Template smiled at him and scooted closer to him, looking at him while smiling warmly. He was a wearing a loose black tank top, showing his collarbones and a few ribs as well as exposing the wonderful swirls and curls of the black tattoos that were engraved into his body. Just trying to follow every deep black twist and twirl made to make him dizzy, almost in a fun and giddy way similar to spinning around in an office chair to the theme of You Spin Me Right Round. Template's eyes traveled down to see fuzzy camo shorts that seemed to hug his legs perfectly. It definitely showed a lot, like a lot, but Template really didn't have mind or pay much attention to it. To him in just showed a little more of Pale he usually never got to see to much of.

One-Sided (Template x Pale)Where stories live. Discover now