Chapter 8: So It's Settled...

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      Template had absolutely no clue on how he should react.

     Of course he was embarrassed that Pale had said that, let alone how he even figured it out considering he actually thought he hid it well.

      "What are you saying? Why would I ever do that?" Template had reasonably denied to him half of a dozen time, holding his hands up as he already stood a few paces from his recently announced crush. Pale always saw through it, bouncing in place as he pointed at the glitch.

     "You're lying, you're lying! The way you look at me gives everything away! Admit it, you want to hold hands, kiss, cuddle, and do everything a lovey-dovey couple is supposed to!" Every true thing Pale shouted out made Template even more and more flustered at this situation and after so much of this was when Template finally relented and gave in.

     "Alright, fine, so what if I do!" He admitted, his face azure as he himself couldn't believe what he just said. Pale only laughed and pointed to himself, to where his soul would have been if it had ever been present.

     "It's impressive! Why would you fall for someone like me? Is it because of how I look? I don't know how it can be anything else!" He chuckled up at him, stepping closer and almost filling the game between the two. Template tried to find the words to deny Pale's claim because it genuinely wasn't the case, but Pale spoke up once more before he could get a word in. "I mean... I can't feel anything without drinking an AU, which practically means I have no personality! And you don't even like it once I gain something that is even close to that, so you must really love a nobody! That is if you are thinking I'm-"

     "No way, you're nothing like him!" Template cut him off quickly. And that was the honest truth. Pale couldn't even compare to Ink in the slightest in Template's eyes! Ink was something admirable: kind, just, loyal to the universes, so determined to do what's right, oh and that's only the tip of the iceberg on Ink redeeming qualities and how he is the best person in the Multiverse, no questions asked!

     Pale was completely the opposite: rude, unjust, didn't care about the state of the universes, didn't care what was right to begin with, not to mention he was his arch nemesis who can't feel feelings! Even if they look vaguely alike, Template's thought on the two were completely different and he couldn't fathom the idea of purposely imagining someone so highly with someone who he fought with almost every other day.

     But even so, he didn't love Ink.

     Well, that's a lie, he ADORED Ink and there was nothing Pale could ever do that would make Template as excited as if Ink would have just suddenly walked in the same room as him. But he couldn't imagine dating Ink, not because Ink was way too amazing for anyone to date, but it just wasn't in his best interests. But Pale... Pale was just so oddly perfect. Not in the case of morality or complexion, but just the way he made him feel felt like the most perfect thing to have even though he could be mad at him.

     So what was it about Pale? What made him so special? What made him daydream of sappy little scenarios in his head that made him squeal at the thought?

     He really didn't know, nor did he really want to learn.

     But because he didn't want to know didn't mean he was questioning himself and wondering what to tell Pale as he asked, "What is it then you could possibly love me for?"
     "I... I just do. I don't know to really put it into words..." Template murmured as he looked away from Pale's interested gaze which was so glued onto him. It definitely made him a bit uneasy.

     "I honestly don't really get it too much. It would be rather pointless for someone like you to fall for someone like me! And yet you still do it!" Pale said as if it were some type of pleasant miracle or achievement. But it wasn't like Template really had a choice to begin with. "What do you even hope in getting from me? If there's nothing I can't give, then what would be the point!" Pale chirped a lot more than he should be saying that sentence.

     Template honestly wasn't expecting this is how imagined this scenario would go, he expected (and hoped) Pale would just brush this fact off as if it were some of his quirky antics and that he'd go back doing whatever he normally does. But to be fair, he never thought his feelings for him would ever be known to begin with (and especially in this sudden manner), so of course he was taken by surprise by the fact Pale seemed to actually be mostly serious about this.

     And hearing Pale's question definitely made him go back to the little piece of pure imagination he had been focused on Pale and his daydreams and thoughts. Of course there were some wild thoughts he would never admit out loud in front of him, some more tame thoughts that was a bit too early to expect from a new relationship, and then just some scenarios and ideals that just didn't work for Pale. He then have an idea that would greatly benefit him.

     "I want a date!" He announced. Pale let out an amused hum, his brows raising in interest.

     A date! It was perfect! Not only was it something that Template had dreamed of a numerous amount of times and that he fantasized over, but this made his job a whole lot easier and even more fun. If Pale was actually letting this happen, he could do so much with him around and not be bored to death. He might be able to bring Pale to a few universes without having a worry about him sucking some poor universe and/or getting them both into a physical fight with each other to make him stay a little longer.

     Sure, if anyone who knew who they were knew about this, his reputation was bound to sink just a little. But if they knew how much he was saving the universes that could be swallowed up to make Pale feels something for only a temporary amount of time, they would be thanking him!

     "A date? I like the sound of that and it's something I can still give! Is there anyplace you have in mind you want to go?" Template just about beamed in excitement.

      "How does tomorrow at a restaurant sound?" He suggested, Pale simply smiled and nodded. "Okay then, so it's settled..." Template began, his toothy grin shining as he stepped just a bit closer and let it be known. "... it's a date!"

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