Chapter 7: Expressive Expressions

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I lasted several hours that escape, so much feelings that only strengthen with my long wait of yearning to have them against. It was fun. So, so much fun. One minute, I was fuming with fury as I stomp around the white emptiness I had left behind, bitching to myself about how unfair I was treated. And then once that wore off and I went to another universe, I would be all chipper and smiley, dancing around as I would celebrate.

As I was still beaming with joy, I went over to a new universe. Y'know, just for funzies and maybe some new clothes!

I hummed out a tune as the snow crunched under my feet. The cold wind making snake like whisps of snow slithering across the snow as I wondered around Snowdin with my arms swinging back and forth. The smell of pine and Christmas filled the area as I look at some dog monsters that were scattered around the town too and through, so many cute little puppies monsters! They all looked so adorable!~

But I stopped over at a pair of clearly happy armored and armed puppies, something about them making me sense something familiar. I smiled even more than I had before, deciding to take a closer look on the two of them. But as I walk towards the monsters and was no more than three feet away from them, they brought their snouts together into a small and quick peck on the lips.

"I love you..."

"I love you too..." Aww~

But other than the cuteness, I had noticed something about the two. The look they gave, something inside them was a spectacle full of emotions, something I have definitely seen before but couldn't place a finger on it.

"Oh, dear, I think there's someone who wants to see us," the female dog spoke, her look towards me lacking so much of the emotions I had seen earlier from her; almost looking like a light switch from how quickly most of it had disappeared. I giggled and waved upon being noticed. The male dog briefly looked over at me before giving his attention back onto his what I now believe was his girlfriend.

"Don't worry about them, sweetheart. Right now it's just our moment, together~" The girl pupper giggled sweetly before landing yet another quick little peck, this time to the cheek.

I awed at the couple for just a few more seconds before feeling a rather rough tug on my hoodie and being pulled back, stumbling over into something soft yet firm. I looked up to see I was pulled onto the chest of no other than Template himself in all of his glory.

He looked a lot more awake now, showing he received his well needed rest before getting me. He heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing me for some reason, bringing me out of the universe and back into my blank home.

"I looked everywhere for you! You know how worried you made me?!" Template questioned as I smiled at him innocently, making him grunt in annoyance. "Of course you can't, but I didn't know what you were doing! I didn't know if you were vulnerable or in an unfair fight! You made me worried sick!" Template lectured and talked, holding onto my shoulder lightly to get his point across.

I look up at him to see nothing but concern and mild annoyance behind those round red glasses that could never glanced away from me. It was a bit interesting seeing Template looking so serious, he's usually so expressive and animated! And now the only thing overly expressive thing left on his were his eyes.

His eyes were always expressive, nothing in the world could ever be hidden in them; he was a horrible liar because of that. They were like looking at a movie screen to me, so much going on in them and I could never join that little world of his. I place my hands on Template arms, pulling him just a little closer to me.

He was mildly surprised, holding in his breath before his soft and warm sigh lightly brushed my face. His expression changed from concerned into something a bit... warmer... It made him melt a little in my arms as well as his own with me almost doing the same thing.

It was an expression I was so used to seeing on Template, and I thought it was only Template who really looked at anyone this way until right now.

Those dog had just about the same expression for what Template had for me! It must mean something, I'm sure of it. They were longing for each other even with being in each other's arms, and even with me borderline about to hug him he still looks at me with nothing more than want and warmth.

I briefly look down at his mouth, his lips were slightly agape in a calm and natural manner that could only let the softest of whispers pass through. And yet nothing came through those parted lips, but I come to learn what he craved to say. I gasp in excitement before being having had myself thrown into massive fit of giggles, I beam up at him.

I opened my mouth, let his words slip out of my lips. And just like that, I let myself announce the news, much to the horror and confusion of Template.


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