Chapter 2: Stain

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~3rd Pov~

After several hours of a mostly dreamless sleep, Pale fluttered his eye open and sat up. He could still feel the fear earlier, but at least it became more or a feeling of uneasiness instead of petrifying fear. He yawned quietly and rubbed his eyes with the bottom of his hands, his fingers brushed against something that wasn't bone or clothing. Pale let out a hum of confusion as he pressed his against fingers against his forehead.

He picked at the sticker on his forehead until he finally managed to get a piece of it. He slowly peeled it off and looked down at it.


Pale stared at the bold lettering, understanding from experience that Template was the on to put it on him. Pale blinked a few times before he melted into a puddle of ink, reappearing in his blank void. He went close to his pile of clothes and plopped down to the ground. He pressed the sticker on the ground before patting it down in place. Pale crawled away from the clothes pile and sat in front of a wall.

Pale summoned some black ink in his hands and was going to splatter it on the wall, but Template made a portal to Pale's place. Pale saw him coming and put away his ink. Template spotted Pale immediately and sighed quietly.

"Finally! I was wondering when you were gonna wake up." Template murmured the last part to himself. Pale shifted a bit and turned towards Template, looking up at him with a blank expression. Template noticed that Pale didn't have the sticker on his forehead, which he took as a sign he read the sticker. Template smiled and walked closer to him.

"What do you want?" Pale asked Template, who was now right in front of him.

"I have noticed that you are my main problem when trying to protect the multiverse, so I decided to watch over from here on out!" He told with great confidence. Pale looked at Template for a few more seconds before moving again to face the wall once again, finally splattering pitch black ink on the wall.

Template was a little annoyed that Pale wasn't paying attention to him. He could at least have the decency to say 'kay'! But he brushed it to the side, now he has the job to watch over his biggest enemy. And so far, it was proving so far to not be difficult. This is probably the easiest thing he could do and he was saving millions of innocent lives just from doing this!

But as everyone with a brain might expect from watching over a soulless and mostly emotionless being, it got really boring really quickly. So Template decided to try to strike a conversation with Pale.

"Are you still feeling scared like you were earlier?" Pale didn't respond, deep in thought as he looked at the black oozing ink slowly, but surely, making its way down the wall. At first, Template tried to snap his fingers. But when his thick gloves blocked him from him from doing that, he just decided to smack his hands together, resulting in a loud clap that made Pale jolt.

Pale looked at him and Template chuckled a little.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump like that. Are you feeling better than you were before?" Template asked him again. Pale stared at him before nodding and looking back at the ink stain. Once again, it was quiet and boring.

Template found it kinda useless now to try to strike another conversation with Pale, so he just tried doing what Pale was doing to entertain himself, watching paint dry. He tried to find something interesting about the splotch on the wall.

At first, he tried to find something interesting about its shape. 'It looks like a blob.' Template thought to himself. He knew that wasn't good enough though so he turned his head and squinted, trying to alter the image the best he could. The best he could imagine other than a blob was 'an exploding black sun'.

That's when he started thinking about the color. As previously mentioned before, it was pitch black, which lead him to think about his bone color. Then his bone color obviously made him think about his narcissistic self. He was the swear protector and guardian of the multiverse!

Thinking of himself and his occupation made him think about Pale. He turned to Pale and looked at him like he looked at the ink on the wall. He first noticed the blob-like birthmark on the side of his face. Unlike the blob on the wall that he described as an exploding black sun, Template found it more like a relaxing and soothing wave. In turn, it made Template feel calm.

Template then looked at Pale's eye. He was still concentrated at the wall, looking like he was deep in thought. His gaze was what Template described as white and cold, which reminded him of snow. He smiled as he imagined the winter time and how cold it could be, which lead to the aftermath of the cold once you go to an area with a normal temperature.

That feeling of pins and needles were slightly mimicked on his arm that could only be numbed with a blanket, fire, and/or (What Template sadly most likely never will or want to experience) someone else.

The first thing that came into his mind about that 'someone else' was Pale.

And just like that, the pins and needles were replaced with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

While Template was too focused on being in his own thoughts, Pale noticed that Template was gazing at him. He turned his head over to him and stared at him. For about five seconds, they were staring at each other. Template suddenly snapped out of his thought and realized what he was just thinking and doing. He forced his attention back at the ink stain with blue blush flowing to his cheeks. Pale raised an eyebrow at him before looking back at the wall.

Template immediately regretted doing this in the first place. For the rest of the time Template was there, he didn't even glance at Pale.

When the ink was finally dry, Template left the little void without saying a single word.

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