Chapter 3: It Brings Me Warmth

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~3rd Pov~


A wild campfire on top of giant logs, crackling and raging. But yet, it strangely felt warm and comforting. A thin and dry branch was placed right over the roaring flame, the fire barely licking the small branch that hovered over it.

As expected for everyone except for them, the tip of the small branch slowly started to turn red. The stick was pulled away from the fire, revealing a small and calming flame. It didn't spark or rage like the campfire, but he still looked at the small burning stick.

It was... nice... It was nice to have this burning stick. That was until he whacked the stick out of his grasp and into the fire.

Weirdly, the campfire and the stick only burned brighter and it had managed to burn his hand. Yet he didn't catch aflame like the stick, it only hurts and brought memories about the stick.

Finally, he grabbed his hand from the fire and pulled it away from the flame before offering another stick.

That's when Pale then woke up, fluttering his eyes open before rubbing them with the bottom of his palm. He quickly checked the burning feeling on his hand and he realized that the feeling was only a phantom, nothing more than a figment of his imagination.

He then sat himself up only to be inches away from a staring Template. Template jolted and seemed to be extremely flustered, scooting away from Pale in a hurry. Pale just slowly blinked at him before flopping back onto the blank ground.

This had happened for a week now. Template had been watching him every so often every passing day. At this point, Pale got used to him being around him. Template would rather trying to talk to Pale with the most random of topics or, when that failed, just stare at him. Either way, Template always focused on something.

"Morning Pale!" Template greeted him, despite the fact that there was no time in this place. Pale, being the classic 'man with few words', obviously said nothing in return. He just summoned a ball of ink before tossing it up in the air.

Template groaned quietly before standing up, putting his hands on his hip. After a few more tosses of the ball of ink, and Template 'clearing his throat', Pale looked over at him and raised an eyebrow at him.


"Reply to me!" Template whined. Pale stared at him and slowly nodded before throwing the ink back into the air, this time high enough to splat it on the ceiling. Template huffed and plopped down next to Pale.

"Seriously Pale?" Pale only nodded in response, staring up at the ceiling. Template growled quietly under his breath as he scooted close, but not too close, to Pale. He looked down at Pale as he still staring up at the ink blob on the ceiling, neither of them blinking once.

Pale sighed before summoning another ink blob and sitting up. Template smiled a little, finally Pale was going to have a normal conversation with him!

Pale looked at him straight into his eyes. His eyes, although looking like and showing that Pale was unmistakably dead inside, was very special to Template. Like, his eye lights are very similar to any other normal Sans's eye lights, except they had a hint of uniqueness to them.

As Template was looking straight back into and admiring Pale's dead eyes, Pale did a little something. Suddenly, Template couldn't see a single thing anymore, the only thing he could see now was just the darkest shade of black.

Template put hand on the side of his glasses before removing it from his face. Although it was blurry, Template was able to make up that; One, he wasn't completely blind. Two, Pale throw ink all over him so now Pale's ink was dripping of his glasses and stained his entire outfit! And three, Pale was so dead to him.

Template groaned as he used his scarf to attempt to wipe the ink off from the lenses, staining his already stained scarf even more. But at least he managed to clean his lenses enough to see clearly again. He then looked at his scarf in disgust as he took it off so that he wasn't more uncomfortable than he already was. He could always just make a new one.

"Leave." Pale told him bluntly as he laid back down on his back to continue starting at, you guessed it, the blob on the ceiling.

Template got up and did so. Not because Pale said so, but because he was just so furious with him at the moment and he would much rather calm his nerves than spend more time with the one person that was gonna keep rialling them up.

And admittedly, in more than just one way.

Template shook away the thoughts from his mind as he his cheeks burned up. He made a portal to a universe before stepping through, planning on trying to wash the ink stains from his clothes or just making new ones entirely.

After a few minutes passed by, Pale got up again. He had been waiting for Template to finally look away from him. He hasn't felt anything in a LONG time, and now he finally had a chance to go wherever he wanted without anyone holding him back.

But before he could ever melt himself away into another universe, he noticed Template's stained scarf. He blinked at it before picking it up with delicacy. He rubbed his thumb over the soft fabric, it felt warm and comforting for some odd reason. Like the fire.

So he walked over to his clothes pile and set Template's ink stained scarf into his clothes pile to add to his collection. He gazed down at it before melting himself into a puddle, finally having the chance to feel something again.

One-Sided (Template x Pale)Where stories live. Discover now