Chapter Twelve

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Ginger always loved the way the shopping center looked at this time of year. It was bustling and filled with people desperate to find the perfect gifts for loved ones. There were decorations everywhere and lines of children waiting for a chance to sit on Santa's lap.

"Where do we go?" Griffin asked, "I always feel lost in this place." His face wrinkled in confusion as he pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

"Well," Ginger began, "There are tons of places." She swiveled around so she could take everything in.

"There," she said as she pointed at the store before her, "Let's start there."

Griffin followed Ginger into the intimidatingly large store that was full of menswear. Ginger had been looking at a manikin with a preppy but stylish look to it. A tiny smile sat on her face.

"I think that's the look for you," she told him. He took a good look at the outfit. The manikin wore a blue and white striped shirt with a fitting pair of teal pants and a navy blue overcoat to pull it all together.

"It's cool," he said, "And expensive looking. What is that, Rugby?"

"Okay yes, but we can find reasonably priced things that have the same feeling," Ginger assured him. He looked uncertain. She grabbed onto his arm and pulled him further into the store.

"That look," she began speaking, "I think its perfect for you. A fashionable look that stays true to your nature. There are some guys that can pull off the leather and ripped jeans bad boy look, but that isn't you. This is."

"Hey, hey," Griffin cut in, "I think I can pull off leather and ripped jeans if I tried." Ginger rolled her eyes.

"Sure you can," she said. She stopped at a rack of shirts and began picking things up.

"This looks like your size," she muttered as she handed something to him. Before he even got the chance to properly get a look at it, she had already pushed five other items in his direction. She seemed to be concentrating so hard. He didn't want to interrupt her process. They combed through the store quickly and it wasn't long before they were in the dressing rooms.

Ginger sat outside of the small cubicle he occupied and waited patiently for him to try one of the looks she put together for him.

"Start with something basic," she said, "Pair it with something nice and then add another piece that's complementary."

"Okay," Griffin called out, "I've got it." He spoke to her through the door and though they couldn't see each other, they could still carry out a conversation.

"How are things with that project you're doing?" he asked casually.

"They're good," Ginger stated. She was idly going through her phone's pictures. She stopped on one of her and Lil. They had been hanging out in the city that day. Nina couldn't come because she had been away for the weekend, so it was just the two of them. They wore matching sunglasses and a shade of lipstick they had picked out earlier that day. Ginger stared at the picture, wondering how things had changed so drastically. It didn't make much sense to her. The girl that used to be her best friend was now secretly spending time with her boyfriend. She heard Griffin clear his throat and she navigated away from her photo application.

"Did you say something?" Ginger asked.

"I just asked- how's Kimmy doing? Is she alright?"

"Yeah. Same as always. Why?" He paused for a moment before answering.

"No reason," he said, "Hadn't seen her in a couple of days and I was just wondering." He stepped out of the dressing room. Ginger smiled and gave him a look of approval.

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