Chapter Twenty-One

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Ginger always went to her school's winter trip. She always loved the bus ride down to the ski lodge and the whole away from home experience. Her parents always made her a big breakfast before her trip and sent her off. Each trip was always different than the last but nearly all of them were filled with an equal amount of drama. Ginger still couldn't ski decently despite the fact that she's been skiing quite a few times.

"We're going away for a week," Griffin said, "You packed for a year."

"And you packed for an hour," Ginger replied. Griffin made a smart retort but she stopped paying attention once she caught sight of Niko walking towards them. He wore a leather jacket and had a large overnight bag slung over his shoulder. Griffin and Kimmy were having a conversation by then but Ginger had no idea what they were saying. Ginger watched as Leah Donnelley stopped him and began a conversation with him. He talked to her for a minute though he didn't look very interested. His eyes found hers and they stared at each other. She looked away once he started walking towards her and began talking to her friends.

"Hey Griff," he said, "Kimmy, Ginger." Ginger hated how he said her name just then. It was as if it was irrelevant and that he was only saying it to be polite. It was the way you greet a person you've seen around a few times.

"Hi," she said. The word felt so stupid coming out of her mouth. She sounded like a little girl fawning over the guy that wouldn't give her the time of day.

"Are you sitting with Kimmy on the bus?" Niko asked Griffin.

"He is," Kimmy said quickly, "But I'm sure the seat beside Ginger is free." Kimmy grabbed Griffin's hand.

"Come on," she said. Griffin looked a little confused but didn't resist. Ginger shoved her hands into her pockets and bit down on her bottom lip.

"You don't have to," she said. He looked at her and there was a glint of something in his eyes that Ginger couldn't quite identify. When he didn't say anything, she bent down to pick up her things. All at once, she regretted bringing so many things. She expected him to walk away but he didn't.

"I've got it," he said clearly.

"No it's fine," Ginger insisted. She reached for her luggage handle at the same time he did and her hand landed on top of his. She flinched and pulled away. For some reason, she felt like he would be upset at her for touching him. He grinned slightly.

"You okay Ginger?" he asked. She nodded.

"I'm fine. Three cups of coffee this morning. I'm so jumpy. Sorry."

"It's fine," he said.

Niko helped her put some of her things in the overhead compartment of the bus. It was easier for him to reach because he was a lot taller. Ginger thought that she must have looked confused because Niko had an expression that was nothing less than highly amused.

"Why do you look so...conflicted?" he asked her. She didn't reply very quickly.

"Why are you being so nice?" Ginger asked, "Are you up to something?" He smirked.

"I'm not up to anything. Just being cordial to a fellow classmate," he stated. Ginger scoffed.

"Fellow classmate," she repeated. She hated that he called her that. It was as if she was just anyone. She heard a quiet voice behind her in the aisle.

"Excuse me," it said. She moved in toward her seat a bit so the person could pass, but she quickly realized that the voice belonged to Carter. Niko turned around and met eyes with Carter for a brief second. Ginger couldn't tell what the eye contact even meant. Their faces were fully composed. There was a slight trace of hostility but the most dominant thing on Niko's face was a question. Carter was the one to break the contact.

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