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Welcome back! One and all!
To the 2nd link of our Ask Sonic, Shadow & Silver fic!
Never had I thought I'd be away for three years and clearly dispatching myself out of existence. It's definitely a new year, and it's definitely time for change. Well, this might not be exciting but I'll still keep up on making this book possible.

There's not much to tell and I've apologized to much, not that I won't apologize now. I'm gonna try hard tho.

*coughs* Anyway. I finally updated just to let you know I'm still alive and I'll keep going. My  last update last year was a total flop as I didn't actually update. Though, I'll try my best this year, to actually contribute to the economy, something like that.

What are you waiting for? If ya'll still wanna join me, why not comment down your questions and dares? And to maybe organize this bit, I'll add two of my own comments dividing the "Ask" stuff and "Dare" stuff.

Well, have fun!

ASK Sonic, Shadow & Silver - Part II Where stories live. Discover now