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And here we have the first batch of our new year questions!
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Another stupid question from me, if you will set up a date for eggman who will you pair him up with? This includes all of you

Sonic: That old geezer? I think he'd be better to date an old lady his age who like, isn't evil and refrains him from doing evil and just, takes the time for him to be with her. That egghead may be evil than he looks, and I would've wipe him out the face of the Earth, but at least there will be sometimes where he lays low y'know.

Shadow: That's informative. If it were for me, he can live and die single

Silver: I don't honestly know. I'm not really good with figuring out which people makes a match. So I guess I'll go with Sonic's suggestion too since I'm not as heartless as Shadow.

Question: if you got the chance to have a chapter of relaxation that I chose of and can relax with you, would you take it?

Sonic: Sure!

Shadow: That would be most pleasing.

Silver: Finally.

Can Zhadow,Zilver,and Zonic be with Sonic,Shadow and Silver with them for 10 chapters?

Sonic: I don't know, we don't have the device to contact them. And I dunno if they got the time, they are really busy. But maybe we'll try to get in touch with them, I'll go and find Tails.

This goes for everyone. Have you ever thought of how your lives could've been different, if you've done something different in the past? Such as, of Sonic never bothered with dealing with Eggman, could Sonic forces have come way sooner?

Sonic: I didn't ever thought of leaving the world to the mercy of Eggman. Because if I did, well hell yeah Forces would've happened sooner. I really had the bright mind before so if I've done something in the past, it would be to stop him sooner so the world will have a peace for a long run. But if I did that, I never wouldn't be the better person I am today, met wonderful people along my adventures and I guess I kind of thank Eggman for giving me something to live for, the thrill of stopping him and going on an adventure to stop him. He should admit he liked my persistence to.

Shadow: *crosses arms* You people really are persistent on poking into my past huh? Well, the one thing I wish to have ever done in the past, would be to save Maria. But that's all in the past and I'm contented on what I have, and Sonic has a point being in the present.

Sonic: Aww he agrees with me

Shadow: Oh yeah, another thing I should've change. I really should've killed Sonic a long time ago

Sonic: H-Hey! Go easy on me, I'm only teasing you!

Silver: Well, what I could've done in the past? Hm. If you remember Sonic '06, I could've just sacrificed myself for saving the future just to save Blaze. But then time got all twisted up and she came back up and still going. But really, I couldn't change anything since the Iblis Trigger is gone.

Here is an ask for sonic, how does it feel to have a second ask and dsre book

Sonic: It's nice. *scooting a farther and farther from Shadow who is holding a knife to stab him but Silver is holding him from preventing him from doing so*

Sonic: It reunites the family.

For dear Sonic: how much did SEGA pay you for your bad jokes in Sonic Forces?you know, that chilidog joke to "Zavok", for example. And what kind of "torture" you were put into again?(???)
For Shadow: okay, where were you for Forces six months? You couldn't be trapped in Infinite's illusions for so long.
And lastly, for Silver: ehm, why you were in Forces? I mean, what could have happened to the future if you haven't come back in the present? Or you were there just for numbers?

Sonic: I definitely agree those jokes were bad and when did I agree on declaring that on camera. But the company really payed me well and good, enough for me to have my own ranch and racetrack. And a year of chilidogs.

Shadow: That's really one way to put it huh?

Sonic: *shrugs* As long as I keep being the icon SEGA has, they promise me a lot. Also I owe them. But the jokes, it really wants me to make me cringe. And for the torture, I don't really remember, it's fuzzy and I think they have something, some machine that can erase memories. I can't recall.

Shadow: For the next question, sure I've escaped Infinite's illusion for long, I couldn't count how long but it felt like only a week. Then when I escaped, I got... lost.

Silver: What kind of lost?

Shadow: *glares at the wall* I got lost.

Sonic: So like, you didn't know where to go?

Shadow: ...

Sonic: *stifles a laugh*

Shadow: Shut your mouth, needle mouse

Sonic: *mumbles* edgie hedgie

Silver: That next question, I really question that too. I may have come back because *glares at Sonic and Shadow* the future was seriously messed up, like everything became... *sighs* aI just needed to go back to fix things. Not too major like '06. Just, disasters spreading everywhere. Now that answers your question?

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Like the new look? Of course, their New Year shenanigans won't end here. There's a part two of this part! And well, I have a few rules before new commenters come here.

1-Always separate your Questions from your Dares, I will provide a divider in the comments section.
2-There will be a limit to where the comments go far and I'll comment "It ends here" on both sections so that means all of you will race on who'll comment first ask and first dare. The limiting will be random at times.
3-It is necessary for me to pick which comments I'll use for the next chapters so don't get mad at me if I don't reconsider your comments for necessary reasons.

I'll add more to this rules and and I'll always post these rules to every chapter. So Feliz Navidad!

ASK Sonic, Shadow & Silver - Part II Where stories live. Discover now