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Part two of questions
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Before I ask questions it good to see y'all all back S gang we miss y'all...
Alright now for this questions
Silver you little cute hegei how feel about blaze? We know you and blaze are close but do you have a thing for her?
Shadow and sonic (y'all know I have to get y'all lol)
My question for both of y'all is how do you feel about the sonadow community?

Sonic: Aww that's heartwarming some people missed us.

Silver: So uh, that question. Does the countless of times the other games and the fandom already showed a hint? If you're still clueless, well I guess I do have a thing for her. I really like her, but I don't think I'll get any more closer to her than the "friendship" she gives me.

Sonic: You were a little back at the beginning.

Silver: *ignores him still playing turbo dismount on his phone*

Sonic: *sighs* Shadow, you gotta answer this question too. Stop hiding behind the couch when the camera's here.

Shadow: That's the point. I don't want to show up.

Sonic: Well okay if you feel that way. I'm considerate so you can just answer the questions from behind there then.

Shadow: Since when did you get in charge?

Sonic: Since I am the most main out of the three of us and if you sass me back I will literally pull you out from behind just to show you to people.

Shadow: ...

Sonic: Well... About the Sonadow. Seeing the fandom. *looks at the flaming crowd outside he window that is the fandom* People have taken it way, waaay too far. *whispers as he says the last part* Way to far man.

Shadow: I could say the same.

Sonic do you have any siblings?
Silver who do you have a crush on?

Sonic: I have. Some are ocs of fans. Some are noncanon (like Manic and Sonia). But if you ask a nonblood brotherly sibling that ever since I met him type of sibling, I take Tails. He feels like family to me, and even a little brother. So yeah.

Silver: *eyes twitch* *sighs tiredly* It's Blaze...

Sonic: I just realized the one who asked these questions was the one who dared Shadow to dye his—

Shadow: *jumps out from behind the couch* You little twerp!

Sonic and Silver: *restrains him*

Sonic: S-Shadow, calm down! Just wait until a week pass by...

Silver: You look like a pink enraged porcupine. Just seeing your mouth foam like that, is that natural.

Shadow: I just had the instinct to want to dispatch someone.

Sonic: Sheesh you look like a psychopath. Now you're seen on camera

Shadow: Oh.

Sonic: I didn't force you out of the couch, okay? Remember that.

Shadow: Okay.

Silver: *whispers to Sonic* He is creeping me out with the way he looks at the camera.

Sonic: *whispers back* Just get him back behind the couch so that he won't hurt anybody.

I have a question for the Sonic,Shadow, and Silver  which fast food place would u work at? And why

Sonic: I'll always stand by my own fast food place, which is literally named after me and serve chilidogs.

Shadow: Well, I'd like to go to Starbucks since I can manage to make some cappuccino, frappe and coffee.

Sonic: But, the question is which fast food place.

Shadow: I was just wondering. I might consider going to Burger King. Just for the sake of salary.

Sonic: You always want salary.

Shadow: You'll understand once you're an adult and have an actual job.

Sonic: Hey! Even if I'm not the same age as you grandpa, I have a lifetime job right here! And I don't get paid for saving the world.

Shadow: That's just... whatever you like to think of it.

Silver: I've been thinking on working at something like McDonald's or Jollibee... I dunno but I like the fast pace of the place. I'm kind of good for asserting and organizing and with this telekinesis of mine, I can carry a lot on my hands and assort them to every customer in quick speed.

Sonic: That's some nice thinking you have there.

Silver: Um, thanks. Someone just mentioned to me how helpful my powers would be to use doing labor.

Shadow: Who?

Silver: *sighs dreamily* Blaze...

Sonic and Shadow: *looks at each other and grins*

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That's the end for our New Year shenanigans! Hope you enjoyed viewing this chapter because it will get a ton more humorous for the next couple of chapters. And well, I have a few rules before new commenters come here.

1-Always separate your Questions from your Dares, I will provide a divider in the comments section.
2-There will be a limit to where the comments go far and I'll comment "It ends here" on both sections so that means all of you will race on who'll comment first ask and first dare. The limiting will be random at times.
3-It is necessary for me to pick which comments I'll use for the next chapters so don't get mad at me if I don't reconsider your comments for necessary reasons.

I'll add more to this rules and and I'll always post these rules to every chapter. So uhh, just enjoy reading!

ASK Sonic, Shadow & Silver - Part II Where stories live. Discover now