(I. DARES) Ibwiss slayer

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Waaaahhh! Thank you for the views, votes you just had given this book even some comments that are just actually the asks and dares. This book just got uploaded months ago and folks noticed! I'm really sorry about those who commented their dares but I haven't put it up yet, because I've stated already in the rules, that I will be picking which dare or question I'll put up. If you aren't chosen, you can always comment back a different one and I might consider to pick yours!

Alrighty this is getting long so let's get to the dares!
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I dare silver to call sonic the "Ibwiss Twigger" in a girly voice everytime sonic says anything.

Silver: ;3 Sure~

Sonic: Has anyone seen Tails' goggles? He came over earlier and left it here and he wants it back.

Silver: *in his best girly voice* Hey Ibwiss Twigger.

Sonic: ...

Silver: *winks innocently*

I'm sorry Shadow, so I'll make it up to you
I dare Sonic to not eat any chilidogs untrue dye washes out
I dare Silver to kiss Blaze
(At this point you could hear Sikver faintly chanting "Ibwiss Twigger" in the background whenever Sonic speaks. Just imagine.)

Sonic: Why do a lot of my dares now involves me not eating chilidogs? It's not like I can't live without them anymore.

Shadow: *flashbacks* Uh huh.

Sonic: Don't you know I eating other existing food too?

Shadow: Then why were you so dramatic about not eating them last year?

Sonic: Beats me.

Silver: You want me to kiss Blaze? I could if she was actually here but right now she's somewhat in her Sol Dimension leading her kingdom or something. With will be another few years before I could see her again.

Sonic: Don't be such a sad sack, you'll see her again.

Silver: Ah, yeah... Ibwiss Twigger.

I dare Sonic to dress up like Amy and run around the mall with Amy's hammer yelling out "SONIKUU WHERE ARE YOU?!?!??!"

Sonic: I mean I could that, unless Amy is at the mall at this point.

Shadow: She's hanging out with some chicks at some beach. She wouldn't mind you coming in her house and stealing a set of her everyday clothes. Not to mention she forgot to bring her hammer with her before she left us so her hammer is somewhere in our stockroom.

Sonic: How do you know where she is. And why do you assume I would do that.

Shadow: I just guess you could be very repulsive and she just posted a while ago that she's at the beach. *holds out phone to him* See?

Sonic: Ah. I guess so.

Shadow: *smirks* Want me to help you with breaking in her house and getting her clothes? Don't worry I won't tell her about that.

Sonic: *Visibly disturb* Um, no thank you. No thanks for your help, I can just do it with my own two hands and feet. And please do not tell her about this.

Shadow: Then you owe me. Or meet the consequences.

Sonic: Ugh, fine. I owe you. I'll just be right back. *goes out of the house*

Sonic: *returns later* *holding some of Amy's clothes set* Just for you to know I bought her some girl stuff to make up with it. So what do I owe you?

Shadow: When the time comes I'll tell you. Now do your thing.

Silver: I'm gonna come with you to the mall and camcord you while you do your thing.

Sonic: I'm gonna go change at the mall, I think. You're not coming Shadow?

Shadow: I'm fine being inside here.

Sonic: Suit yourself.

xxxAn Hour Laterxxx

Sonic & Silver: *rushes in the house*

Shadow: *bot bothering to look up* So, how's your trip?

Sonic: I performed it as fast as I could so no human would ever record it on their phone except for Silver. We also went by Amy's to return her clothes.

Silver: We got long because Sonic kept doing it quick and wrong so I made him do rounds until he perfected the act into my camcorder. *grins*

Sonic: You're the devil. You intentionally did that to humiliate to everyone in the mall. Now my heroic image is ruined.

Silver: Um, isn't your image ruined enough by the Internet and the fandom?

Sonic: That is not valid. We don't talk about that here.

Shadow: Let me watch his performance. *takes camcord and watches the clip* This is interesting. You're very versatile. You could've mimicked her smile though

Sonic: I'm in no mood to do that.

I dare Shads to call Sonic Faker for 5 chapters and I dare Silver to call Sonic Iblis Trigger for 5 chapters. Sorry Sonic xD

Sonic: *face scrunched up in a sour expression*

Shadow & Silver: *both smirks up at him with mischievious eyes at his sides*

Sonic: Oh, come o—!

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Rules to live by:
1-Always separate your Questions from your Dares, I will provide a divider in the comments section.
2-There will be a limit to where the comments go far and I'll comment "It ends here" on both sections so that means all of you will race on who'll comment first ask and first dare. The limiting will be random at times.
3-It is necessary for me to pick which comments I'll use for the next chapters so don't get mad at me if I don't reconsider your comments for necessary reasons.

This is rushed but I think I've done good. The Ask section is coming right up!

ASK Sonic, Shadow & Silver - Part II Where stories live. Discover now