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Here we go again! Part 2!!! What you see above is my not so amazing drawing attempt of Shadow doing his part of the dare... Just to let you see.
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Dare for silver, play the game turbo dismount for three chapters

Silver: Um. Alright. *pulls out phone to download the game then plays it*

I dare Shadow to teach Tails how to use a gun without getting in trouble with the law

Sonic: Please don't.

Shadow: Y'know what? I am the law. I'm going to your friend's house and you're not going to stop me Sonic. *teleports to Tails' house*

Sonic: *sighs* That edgie hedgie

Shadow I dare you to die your fur neon pink and your stripes neon green

Shadow: *comes back a few hours later* It has to come to me that Tails knows how to hold guns. Sonic, have you been teaching a child how to shoot all this time?

Sonic: *groans* I had to. Not that I really wanted. But I had to. You do know that he's been tinkering with many stuff and that he actually makes laser guns, beam guns or any weapon that involves technology? Not to mention he can also read Eggman's tech as well.

Silver: Do I really have to play this for three days straight?

Sonic: You should or there will be consequences.

Shadow: Ugh. So I have to recolor myself?

Sonic: *shrugs* Seems like it.

Shadow: *groans for a short while* I'm going to a salon. I can't believe I'm wasting my salary on this one. *goes out*

Oh and dare one of ya'll to sit on the other lap....if ya'll can do it?

Silver: I don't mind being the one sitting. If Sonic doesn't mind.

Sonic: Now all of you fans and readers out there, there is nothing "intimate" going between us. Now sit here lil' bro.

Silver: Whoop. *sits on his lap while playing*

Sonic: Can I watch?

Silver: Eh sure.

Shadow: *comes in covered in a sweater, pajamas and a wide hat* *tries to sneak up their bedroom*

Sonic: *seemingly having yhe power of foresight* Hey look, Shadow's back from the salon. Let's see what you look like.

Shadow: *runs upstairs in light speed*

Sonic: Hey comeback! *stands up to chase him*

Silver: *falls off to the floor* Hey I was sitting on you!

Sonic: Sorry! You edgie hedgie come back here this instant!

•after a moment of making a fuss about it•

Shadow: *voice muffles under the hat* No! You won't see me!

Sonic: You just have to admit you lost to me again. You are no good in Hide and Seek with that color on you

Shadow: *groans in agony*

Silver: You played Hide and Seek? Not fair!

Sonic: *shrugs* Well I win so Shadow take off all your clothes

Shadow: Never!

Sonic: *mischievious glint in his eyes* We'll see about that *pounces onto him taking his clothes off*

Shadow: Stop! Stop Sonic! Stop this instant!

Silver: *pouts* *mumbles* You two always have fun...

Sonic: *throws his clothes out the window* Ta-da! Egghhh... Shadow... You look really pale.

Silver: *takes a picture of him* Ohoho. You look like some kind of pink Joker. You even had your muzzle dye white, all you need is some messy lipstick.

Shadow: *runs to the couch and buries himself on the pillow* *groans* I did not ask to even dye my muzzle! Uggghhhh.

Sonic: Silver, can I ask how long will the dye be off him?

Silver: Hm... According to some friends I talk to when they were at the spa. *bites thumb then looks at Shadow* I hope you're listening real good on this Shadow.

Shadow: ...

Silver: What kind of dye did you ask to put on you?

Shadow: ... They said a temporary one.

Silver: Ehh I guess a week? Shadow's going to endure all this for a week. He's just newly dyed so he can't really remove it yet.

Shadow: *agonizing screaming in his pillow*

Sonic: Sheesh, I don't want to jinx saying this so I won't be saying this. But man Shadow had it real hard.

Silver: *sighs in Europe*

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Like the new look? This is the part two of the new year dares! And well, I have a few rules before new commenters come here.

1-Always separate your Questions from your Dares, I will provide a divider in the comments section.
2-There will be a limit to where the comments go far and I'll comment "It ends here" on both sections so that means all of you will race on who'll comment first ask and first dare. The limiting will be random at times.
3-It is necessary for me to pick which comments I'll use for the next chapters so don't get mad at me if I don't reconsider your comments for necessary reasons.

I'll add more to this rules and and I'll always post these rules to every chapter. And there will be a lot more of these shananigans coming up in the next chapters. So, Happy viewing!

ASK Sonic, Shadow & Silver - Part II Where stories live. Discover now