(II. DARE) Cosplay of the year goes to...

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I dare Sonic,Silver, and Shadow to wear their favorite marvel or dc character and use the powers on something the charger have. You guys are AWESOME and I have to say u guys are my favorite hedgehogs.

Sonic: *comes in wearing a "the Flash" costume* Thanks for saying we're awesome! You're awesome too, random darer.

Shadow: *is in the Ghost Rider's get up w/ the skull mask (the Marvel vers.)* Typical for you Faker.

Sonic: It's someone I know that I could pull off. Where's Silver?

Shadow: He's uh, having trouble wearing his costume.

Silver: I'm here! I'm he— *trips on his metallic boot*

Sonic: Silver, that's nice! You're favorite's Iron Man?

Silver: I really liked him the first time I read the comics and watched the movie. Also he is like the one I could pull on with my powers.

Shadow: There's always Scarlet Witch who's like the same powers as you.

Silver: Nah. I like Tony Stark. *helmet drops on his face*

Sonic: Shadow, I honestly thought you'd dress up as Batman.

Shadow: He's not actually my favorite and well, Ghost Rider's more cooler.

Silver: As the dare states, let's demonstrate what we can do. Let's do this outside to not break anything. Iblis Trigger can begin.

*le teleportation to the outside*

Sonic: I'm gonna act like I didn't here that but here we go! *goes off immediately* *comes back after five seconds*

Shadow: Honestly, I think you and the Flash are one and the same.

Sonic: Now it's your turn, Faker.

Shadow: Ahem, only I'm gonna be the one telling you that, Faker. *goes farther distance from them* *coincidentially his motorbike is there* *cuffs off his Inhibitor rings*

Silver: I've got a feeling our neighbors will complain on the sheer power of how loud this will be.

Shadow: *proceeds to let out his full power, causing a mild earthquake as he set himself on fire* *goes on his motorbike then lassoed his chain in the air*

Sonic: I wanted to fire extinguish him hen I remembered he's typically fireproof. I guess he could pull this off quiet awesome.

Shadow: *calms down until the flames begin to dissipate off him and he can be seen without squinting your eyes*

Sonic: Flashy. (See what I did there)

Shadow: That's something I'm looking forward to do again. Now it's your turn Silver.

Silver: Roger that. I've got some props of my own. Be back in a sec. *goes off collecting some junk and comes back with loads of them*

Sonic: I see what's happening.

Silver: Well, here I go. *uses his powers to levitate himself on air with the metal boots on spark effects on the soles* *raises palm directly at the junk and used an ounce of his power to blast it off* *it seemed pretty convincing*

Sonic: That was way past cool!

(They all fixed their stuff outside and returned home, undressing from their costumes and settled comfortably on their lounge room)

I dare shadow to paint sonics room pink along with everything in there. Be creative on how you do this. OwO

Shadow: Been there, done that.

Sonic: You made him do what?! *goes upstairs to check on his room* *an unholy screech came from upstairs*

Silver: I don't think I'd like to stay beside him anymore.

Shadow: *chuckles*

To sonic: I dare you to swim in your favorite pool (you all saw this coming) Pool of chilidogs (I'm giving you what you want. No need to thank me)
To shadow: I dare you to do something you like to do a long time ago. (Same as sonic, I'm giving you what you want. Your welcome!)
To silver: I dare you to do something you want to do just like shadow.
Enjoy yourselves there!!

Sonic: Something good actually happened to me now, *sniffs* those stuff were brand new! And some of them I had to spend on IKEA! Now when people visit they would think it's Amy's room.

Shadow: Don't be such a drama queen about it. It's temporary paint. It'll come off in a month

Sonic: A month? Ugh. Well at least I'd swim on chilidogs. *sighs happily* *jumps out the window where a big pool of chilidogs is waiting*

Shadow: Something I'd want to do a long time ago. I'll watch Kill la Kill.

Silver: I didn't know you were into anime, Shadow.

Shadow: Anime is a work of art. My life would be pretty dull if I hadn't discovered it the first time. I'm still just on episode of season one so I'm gonna go ahead and watch it in my room. Don't call me when the world ends. *goes upstairs*

Silver: What do I want to do? *proceeds to think a lot of things he wants to do until the day's over*

• • •
General Rules to remember:
1-Always separate your Questions from your Dares, I will provide a divider in the comments section.
2-There will be a limit to where the comments go far and I'll comment "It ends here" on both sections so that means all of you will race on who'll comment first ask and first dare. The limiting will be random at times.
3-It is necessary for me to pick which comments I'll use for the next chapters so don't get mad at me if I don't reconsider your comments for necessary reasons.

Well that was fun to do! Thank you for those who commented on what our three hedgehogs had to do. I may have a favor, you can ask our resident hedgehogs on about anything! Our Ask section is rather empty so go comment on the ask section your questions on what you'd like to know with our trio!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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