War Time

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Jade POV
Tears began to swell in my eyes. I was hurt, yet relieved. In a way, yes, Chris wasn't official, but it felt like he was. Up until now.

"Trey, stay right here for a moment." He nodded.

"Be careful." He said, "Chris can get
pretty upset, I'm sure you know." This made me grin, I almost forgot about that night.

I slowly walked over to Chris and Rihanna, doing the nasty on the dance floor. Shaking her ass on Chris as he held firmly on her hips. After what seemed like forever, I cleared my throat so that they would notice my presence.

"Oh Hi, I'm Rihanna." She smiled, putting her hand out to me. I had to give it to her, her accent was attractive.

"Jade." I replied, taking her hand. "Chris, you never told me you and Rihanna were back together! How adorable!" I mentioned sarcastically. He scratched his head then looked down at the floor. Speechless.

Rihanna blushed. "Yeah, I guess we are!"

I walked up to Chris and smacked him, making him howl out in pain. He stared at me, eyes slowly, slightly turning red, then went back to normal.

"Gosh, I deserved that, I know." He whimpered.

I walked away, leaving Rihanna with a confused look on her face. "Jade, is it? What the hell just happened?" I continued to walk away."Answer me slut!"

I stopped dead in my tracks then whipped my head around to see Rihanna grinning with one hand on her hip. "What the fuck did you call me?" I gritted my teeth.

"Oh. Do you want me to spell it for you? I called you a slut!"

I ran towards her, I grabbed her by her hair, dragging her across the living room floor. "Bitch! Do you know who you're fucking with?"

"Let me go! Let me go!" Was all she could scream.

A crowd gathered around us. I caught a glimpse of Tyga recording the fight, laughing occasionally.

I then felt someone grab me by my arms, attempting to pull me back. "Stop it Jade!" The voice screamed. It was Trey.

"No! The bitch deserves it, since I'm a slut." I said still punching her in the face.

Chris ran up to me as he gripped Rihanna's hair from my hands, while Trey finally pulled me away.

"I will fucking press charges on your ass! Who do you think you are?" She screamed. I jumped at her, making her scramble to catch her balance.

I shook my head. Then looked up at Trey, "Sorry, not sorry."

He chuckled. "I understand. Everyone! Get out my house, this is enough for the day!" Everyone began walking out, moaning and groaning. Chris grabbed Rihanna by her arm tugging her out the house.

I had to agree, this was a pretty interesting, long, day.

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