Good Bye

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Trey POV
I threw my phone on the leather passenger seat. What the hell am I supposed to do? I made a "U" Turn and headed downtown LA. My fingers drummed the steering wheel.

Now I know, Jade wouldn't leave me on purpose, would she? I thought we had come to a better understanding. Chris began to send messages to my head.

"Damn, Jade is the best. You hit this yet?"
"Shut the fuck up."

Why was Chris doing this? He's always been the jealous one in the squad, but damn!

I arrived into Chris's driveway. As I expected, his car was still parked parallel to the house. I speeded to the front door and began to bang on it.

"Chris! Chris! I know you hear me you fucking bastard." I couldn't wait any longer. So, I had kicked the beige door down with vampire strength.

Crashing with a thud, my eyes focused to the raging Chris jolting down the stairs.

"Sup Trey? I wasn't expecting company. How are you?" He gave me a million dollar smile. It fucking took hell and high water to hold me back from knocking each one of his teeth from his uncomfortable smile.

"Give up the act. Where is she?"


I roared in anger,"Don't play with me!"

"Do you really want to know?"

I nodded,"Tell me now."

"She's upstairs in the bed." He shrugged. Then unexpectedly threw a punch at me! Luckily I caught it, and threw his arm out of place.

"Please, do me a favor next time and remember who created you." I looked down on him and spat.

I dashed upstairs to find Jade, staring at the ceiling. Motionless. I ran to her side. I could still sense heartbeats, so she was still alive. Probably in a state of shock. What the fuck did he do to her?

"Trey. You. I'm. He."

"Shhhh." I covered her mouth,"I don't want to hear it. At all."

A tear rolled from her right eye,"What was I thinking? That wasn't me a while ago, I swear!"

"I said, I did not want to hear it!" I semi yelled. This caused her to straighten up quickly. "You stay right here, I'll be right back."

I started out the door, but slowly turned around. "I thought I could trust you. You disappointed me. You and I will discuss this later, Human."

She looked at me wide eyed,"Human? Human! What the fuck do you mean human? Just because you were bitten one day and SUPRISE! You're a blood sucking creep. That's it, there is a little of difference! Who the fuck do you think you are?"

I slyly grinned,"That's for you to find out, later on in life. As of now? You'll be out of my life and out of my house."


"But nothing." I held my hand up, silencing her. "Grab your belongings, let's go."

She sat there, still with her arms crossed,"I do whatever I want, I'm grown."

I walked next to her, grabbed her by her arm, then dragged her down the steps. I watched as her legs attempted to catch up. "You just wanted it the hard way, huh?" I grunted, letting her arm go.

"Who are you?" She picked up her heels from the marble flooring and grabbed her phone from the coffee table. She was walking out the door, "Goodbye Trey! I hope you live a nice life, because you surely ruined mine."

I was speechless when she slammed the door. I looked down at my hands, damn Trey.

Chris began to clap slowly, did I mention vampires heal very quickly? Well, they do.

"Good job, bro. Bro's before hoes. We finally got rid of that bitch. Friends?"

He held his fist out to me. I hesitated. That is my bro. I stick with him no matter what. I tapped his fist with mine. "Friends."

Instantly, I felt my heart began to pound. I felt reunited. I felt like...

The old Trey was back.

HEY! Did I mention that you could tweet me about this book? Tell me how I'm doing! :) @Lyrical_wilson

I also have a YouTube account, I'm a beauty guru. I post quite frequently! Check me out. (;
My username is Lyrical Wilson


See you in the next chapter! :D

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