Speaking of The Devil

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Jade POV

I'm so bored. I never noticed how boring the first night would be without Trey kissing or holding me.

I took a sip of red wine. Circling the rim of the glass. He would never lay a finger on me, anymore. And he has money? I laughed to myself. No, I'm not going anywhere.

He's the sweetest person, I swear, but sometimes he can get very, vampire like. I know, he's a vampire. It's just that he drinks blood, around me. Honestly, seeing him drink blood brings me back to first night that I met Trey and Chris.

Chris. I really wonder how he is doing. The night at the party wasn't all of his fault. He was a really good friend. Of course, I was hurt. But, you know the saying: you can't have your cake and eat it too.

But, you like cake. Something in me had said. It was your cake originally, and now you want it back. You know you do. You're not going to have some other girl just take it?

The there was a smaller voice on the inside of me that said, What have you become? Who are you? This isn't the Jade that I know. A tear rolled down my cheek.

My phone rang, startling the hell out of me. I quickly brought myself back together. The caller ID, was Chris. I gasped in excitement then immediately answered the phone.

"Um, hey?"

"Jade, lil mama, what's been up with you?"

I smiled, same old Chris."Hold on for a second." I chugged down the rest of the wine and wiped my hands on Trey's shirt. I ran into the living room, and flopped on the couch. "Alright, Im back."

"Cool. So, I just wanted to say that I am really sorry." I froze. Did he really just apologize?

Chris POV

We sat in complete silence, I waited for her response. In order for me to get to her, she needs to understand that I am contacting her for good reasons.

At least for now.

I don't know, I just feel like she has a lot to make up for after all of this pain she put me through.

She sighed,"I forgive you. And Im sorry too." I grinned. She know she can't stay away.

"Great. So where is Trey?"

"On a two day conference. I promise that I've never been so bored in my life."

Yes, perfect. "Damn. Well you tryna' chill ma?"

She chuckled in a very sarcastic way,"I have to ask Trey. I'm not allowed to leave the house."

"So? You don't got to tell him. Come on ma, let's meet up? Or I can come over there." I silently prayed she chose the last option.

There was a long pause, then after what seemed like decades,"Yes. Meet me in from of Trey's house at 10:30."


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