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Trey POV
The hot, caressing, steaming water relaxed me. I hadn't taken a bath like this in weeks. Scented candles surrounded the tub.

"Mmmmmm." I let out a slow moan.

Flashbacks began to creep up on me. Jade and I would always take showers like this. She was such a lover.

"Fuck!" I yelled. I kicked at the tub.
What am I tripping for? Jade was nothing, and still is nothing. I can and will do better than that hoe. Hoe. That word echoed and smacked the walls of my brain.

There were knocks on the door.

"You good bro? We hitting this club, or not?"

I almost forgot,"Yeah, I'm coming."

"Trey, don't be on that Drake shit. Not tonight." We both cracked up, Drake's that man though.

Jade POV
I ringed the doorbell. Cars drove past blowing their horns, the street is so damn busy.

"I'm so glad to see you." I was welcomed into a long, warm, hug. The feeling of true genuine love melted me, eternally. "Please, come in."

The house was normal. Not like my old apartment or Trey's luxurious home, but normal. There were family pictures along the walls of the hallway entrance.

"I've really missed you, Tina."

We sat down on the living room couch, "I've missed you too, Jade. It's been lonely at the restaurant since you've left. Say, what ever happened to your celebrity hook up?"

"That shit is about dead as my, bless her heart, great grandmother."

"So it's over? Like completely?"


"I was hoping that you would say that."


"I want to go the club, the new one that they just opened up?"

"I don't know about that."


"Okay, fine. Let's say we'll go, I don't have anything to wear."

"Best believe, I got you." She reached for my sunglasses. "Its the middle of fall, why are you wearing-" she paused,"My god, Jade. You've been crying!"


She threw her hands up,"I don't even want to hear about it. Forget about him, let's go upstairs to get you changed."


Trey POV
"Oh hello Trey and Chris Sir. Right this way." The very tall club security guard directed us towards the door.

"Thanks." We both replied. Chris nudged me.

Instantly the music had burst out of the entrance. It was packed.

"Would you look at that," the Dj yelled,"Trey Songz and Chris Brown are in the house!" The club roared with screams and applause.

I flashed a huge grin, and winked at the lady to my left. Oh, don't I miss this.

I strut all the way to the seating area, occasionally busting a few dance moves. A drink waited for us both.

When we sat down, another couple of girls walked in. They were both fine as hell. But, one looked very familiar. Who was she? Couldn't of known her.

Jade POV


"I'll catch up with you later, go have fun!" Tina shouted.

"Uh, okay!" She ran off into the cluster of others on the dance floor.

I swayed back and forth, closing my eyes, letting the music take me away, holding my hands towards the roof. I felt like a free spirited girl. No more blood, no more fangs, no more anything!

Someone grabbed my waist and began to grind up on me. I quickly shifted to see who it was. I gasped. "TREY?!"

Short chapter, haha. But you loved it though. (; COMMENT, I love reading them. Love you babes. 💖

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