Let's do it

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Jade POV

It was 10:25. My palms began to sweat as I heard the loud music bumping from the incoming car. That car belonged to Chris. My heart raced, but my body itched with anticipation to see him. This was the moment; why would I insist on choosing death over life?

Trey's going to kill me if he finds out, and trust me: he doesn't need a weapon to do so.

Chris was now parked in front of the house. Shit. I shut my eyes, and took a deep, relaxing breath. I closed the living room curtain, then walked hesitantly out the door. Here goes nothing.

Chris POV

There goes my Jade. Man, I swear it's been a minute. I let the window down and said,"Can you move any slower? I got places to go, people to fuck." She giggled. Poor Jade, I wish she knew how serious I was.

"I'm coming, damn." She said playfully sitting into the car.

"Not yet you aren't." I said with a sly grin on my face. She sat there playing with her ponytail, until she finally caught what I had said.

"Shut up!" She shouted playfully punching my arm.

"Anyway, where's your guardian again? You sure you don't want to change your mind?"

Jade POV

I wonder if he was saying this to test me, or did he really mean it? Because Lord knows how much I would love to sit in his house at all costs of safety. Changing my mind would be the best option at the moment.

But, let's get real. He didn't drive his ass all the way to Trey's house for nothing. So, whatever he wanted, he was obviously determined to get it.

Even if it was me.

I attempted to reply in a somewhat bored way,"I'm fine, is there something you have in mind? I hope you're not here to waste my time." Awe snap! That rhymed! I leaned back into the seat, smiling to myself.

"Funny you asked that." He said, not catching on to my rhymes. And with that, he pulled off.

He was driving so fast down the road, that I could barely tell where we were going. "Can you slow down a little bit?" I shouted over the bumping music. 


Trey POV

"Olivia, bring me my coat please."

"Yes, baby. When are you going to tell her?"

"First of all, remember. I'm not telling her anything about you, yet. Second of all, can you keep quiet? This is on the low. You are my stylist. " I said as she handed me my coat. I watched as she walked away, her all black pencil skirt hugged her thighs.

Yep, you guessed it. She's my side hoe. Potentially a future main. But for now, my stylist. We've been talking for a year. And yes I know, I have Jade now.

But I can't hold her hostage like this.

She needs to learn to love me. She can't do that if she's forced to live with me, and in all honesty, I pity the human.

"Are you sure baby? We could just chill for a minute." She said, attempting to push me down on the bed.

I grabbed her by her wrists and playfully slammed her onto the bed. She began to grind against my leg. "Do you think this is a game?" I allowed my fangs to show towards her. This made her gasp. I don't even care, she been begging me for months to get bit. Well, here goes nothing. 

I began to kiss down her neck, "Oh, Trey. Is now the time? Please baby. I want to be one with you. I'm tired of mortality, make me immortal." she said in a whining like tone.

I stopped. What am I doing? I can't do this. I've always dreamed of doing it to a girl, but not just any girl. Why was she so willing to have this done to her? No, I won't. 

I let go of her wrists. She sat up and stared at me blankly. "I can't do this." 

"It's her, isn't it?" She said leaning towards the end of the bed. "I can never come into competition with her. Hell! I've known you longer than she has and she gets all the glory." I stared down at the floor, she was right. 

I shook my head."Well, I can't go back now. I told her I was in a two day meeting remember?"

She laughed, "Oh,Trey. Such an airhead at times."

"See these?" I said pointing to my fangs,"I got the power to use these for evil as well, kid." 

Her grin had faded away,"Anyway. Just go and tell her you needed to go home and pick up a few items. I'm usre she will understand." 

I sat and thought for a moment, that wasn't such a bad idea. I cupped Olivia's face and kissed her passionately. "I'm so sorry." 

She shrugged and walked away into the restroom. I need to go see her, like now.

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