His Vow

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Jade POV

"Oh my God, all of the blood. I almost forgot you were a vampire."

"How could you forget?" He said. I turned around to see him licking his fangs. Oh how I hated those things! "Could you hand me one of those blood bags? I'm taking one with me to go." I tossed him one, then we both walked towards the front door.

When we made it out of the house and into the car, we drove around in circles for an hour. I only knew this because we continuously passed my job. I finally built the courage to ask what was the matter.

"Baby, what's the problem?"

"Nothing. I have a question."

"Shoot." I said.

"Do you want to quit your job?"

I thought for a second, then replied,"How will I make money?"

He chuckled,"Do you know who I am?" I rolled my eyes."I also got a job for you set up with Victoria Secret." He grinned at me.

I gasped,"Are you serious? Yes!" He stared at me for two seconds then made a U-Turn towards my job.

We made it into the driveway, and he parked the car. "Ready?" He asked with a concerned look.

"If you mean what you said, of course." That made him smile. I smiled back.We got out of the car and started towards the restaurant.

Trey sat at the entrance seat as I walked into the lobby. At the front desk, my manager sat, reading a newspaper. Hesitatingly, I coughed, attempting to get her attention. Sure enough, I did.

Her faced turned red from anger,"Where the hell have you been Jade?"

"I can ex-"

"Don't explain, you listen to me!" That made Trey jump up from his seat, eyes flashing red. I gave him a look, which told him to chill out, he did.

"I.. I've been busy." I mumbled under my breath.

"Busy doing what?! I've been busy too! Towing your car is a lot of work!" She began to laugh in my face, I stared at the floor.

Instantly, Trey ran to my side, wrapping his arm around my neck. "I'm so glad you took care of that old thing for us!" I lifted up my head in amazement,"We didn't know what to do with it, considering that she just got that brand new car outside. Fancy, isn't?" She gulped. "Oh, and don't bother firing her, because she quits. Her new job at Victoria Secret awaits!" He smiled at her.

"But, there must be some misunderstanding Mr. Songz-"

"No misunderstanding at all, as a matter of fact, keep her last check. I can give her triple the amount of what ever she's receiving at this shit hole!" She growled. "Bye, now have a nice day!" We turned, and walked out the door.

"I can't believe you just did that." I said closing the door.

"I can do that," he said pointing to the restaurant,"and more."

I grinned,"Now, when do I start?"

"Start what?" He asked with a confused look.

"My job.. Remember?"

"Oh yeah!" He laughed,"I was actually on my way to the headquarters right now. " and with that, he headed towards Hollywood.

---Authors Note---

So do you guys like? I hope so. I'm loving the support. :) I will be updating regular now. Thanks to my top reader! :) You mean the world to me gurl...! 😂 But yeah. Until the next chapter! :D

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