I Worry A Lot. Thank the Heavans For Gmail. What's New With You?

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[ANY WARNINGS: there's like, very, very minor talk about a past death in one paragraph, but that's it.]

Getting out of bed is always hard. However, it's even harder when you spent the night before editing and readying future videos for publishing. Videos being published? Late nights? What could my profession be?Well, to inform those who have the poor decision to continue listening, I'm a YouTuber.

Yes, yes, a YouTuber, quite astounding! Because you obviously don't know who I am, my name is Keith Kogane. I'm a musician and my username is The_Awkward_Emo. I know, it's really weird, but one of my friends (cue the gasping. Yes, I know! I have friends! What a surprise) changed it to that and I can't fix it. She did something to my account so whenever I try to change it, she receives an instant notification on all of her devices. Not only that, but a video of a pug licking a window appears and whenever I try to exit out of it, it pops right back up. You don't know how many times I've had to call her over to disable it, her cackling all the while. It sucks, but I have to deal with it. Oh, and yes. For the people who were wondering, the friend I'm talking about is named Pidge Holt. She's the most tech-savvy person in my friend group — aside from her brother Matt — and has a gaming channel I THEpiDgEon67.

Getting back on track, I groaned into my pillow as I rolled onto my stomach. I don't usually hate mornings. Normally I'd take the time to appreciate the quietness and lack of people rushing around. I'd soak up the seconds I'd have alone in the gym, because no sane person would be there as early as me. Even still, trying to get up after a long night is dreadful, even if you are a morning person.

I had just about fallen asleep again when my phone had a wonderful idea and decided to rip away my slumbering bliss by allowing a call to go through right at that exact moment. Why do I have the worst luck?

I rolled over yet again, grasping for the awful sound that ruined my morning. I quickly discovered that my attempts were in vain as I toppled over the side of my bed, narrowly avoiding my dark oak night stand. The THUMP! and sudden pain sure woke me up.

I let out a groan of pain as I sat up, using my bed frame as a helpful support. I quickly stood after that.

I finally fumbled the still-ringing object into my hands and answered the call, not bothering to check who it was. Without my glasses or contacts in, it would be too blurry and would probably give me a headache if I tried. In times like these, having bad eyesight sucks.

An upbeat and familiar voice filtered through my phone's speakers and to my ear. "Hey, Keith! Are you going to the gym today or not?"

Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane. Oh, my lovely brother that just loves to tease me in front of my friends and probably the best brother I could have (don't tell him I said that. He'd tease me about it endlessly if you do and it would be a terrible experience). We aren't actually related if you were confused by the different last names. He's been my best friend since childhood so we both eventually ended up thinking of each other that way, even if he's seven years older then me. His mother took me in when my father died, seeing as my mother wasn't able to take care of me at the time. She was in the American army and didn't receive the news of his death until later. He wasn't sick at all. Actually, he was is pretty good health. However, one of the detriments of being a firefighter is the possibility of not coming home. With my mother, Krolia Kogane, and Shiro's mother, Diane Shirogane, already being good friends, Shiro and I were already aquatinted. After being told she could go home by her commander for that exact reason among a few others that aren't important, she came home devastated. We ended up staying with Diane and Shiro for a while so the both of us could compose ourselves. In the process, Shiro and I became good friends.

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