Is Klance... Real? Oh, and the Rise of Voltron

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For some odd reason, almost all of Lance and I's viewers responded very happily when we posted each of our own versions of the collaboration, not that there was anything to respond negatively about. Like usual, when I posted the duet video with Lance, my YouTube feed suddenly got an uproar of notifications. But, unlike other times when I post things on the internet that I can never get back — no matter how embarrassing it is — the comments were a bit more... interesting, to say the least.

You must be confused. Even I'm confused as to why these comments were coming in. Sure, my YouTube community can be a bit weird and over protective at times — and they weren't hate if you're worried about that — but these were weird even for them. Especially because they kept repeating this one phrase. Well, word. Klance. Over, and over, and over again.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending how you look at it), everything clicked when I saw a particular comment while I was looking through my feed a few hours after publishing the video. I was sitting on my couch at the time. The vent above me was spraying cold air in my face from where I sat, giving me some relief from the hot early August heat. I held my precious black laptop in my lap. My phone was beside me, shuffling through the music on my phone. I wore casual clothes; black basketball shorts and a loose grey top. I also sported my black, rectangular glasses that I wore when I didn't want to bother putting in my contacts. Yes, it was that kind of day.

And then I spotted it.

MovieNerd47 • 8 minutes ago

Is that a LOVE SONG??! Omg! I ship it! KLANCE FOR LIFE!! (Thats the ship name i saw going round. Keithxlance! Get it??)

My mouth opened in shock and my cheeks started to burn at the realization. My fingers that were scrolling through the comments froze, hovering just above the laptop's keyboard.

My viewers... think of us in a romantic relation ship??! What the hell? Why would they? Yes, the song was a love song, but that doesn't matter! Almost all songs in the 'The Greatest Showman' are love songs! It's doesn't mean anything! Plus, it was one song. One! God, my viewers. What would Lance- Lance! What would he be feeling in this situation? Was he okay with this? From what I know of him, he's a pretty laid back person, but that was on camera. It's common knowledge that people are (in most situations) different on camera then off. What if he wasn't fine with this? How would he react? Will it change our friendship?

You are probably confused (again. I need to start explaining more). Let me explain. You see, for the past few days after recording the videos, Lance and I have been texting regularly, even though it has only been two days. It was nice to add another contact to my contact list and have someone new to text and we've become friends. What if this whole situation ruins that? Would it be even more awkward then the time that I accidentally texted a person 'I love you' when I was trying to text my mom? That was a really awkward situation to explain, especially because they thought I was being serious and not in a platonic way. It was a younger YouTuber I did a collabe with one time. I barely knew her and what made it worse was that she was a female. Now, don't take that the wrong way. I know many strong, independent women who are actually very sweet and caring and deserve the best, but I just don't like girls that way, if you know what I'm saying. We actually did a few more collaborations after that incident, including a story time of that awkward moment and we became friends.

But all that's beside the point. The point is, will it effect this friendship thing we have going on?

Thankfully, my worries were put on hold by a ding that came from my phone and shook me out of my worrisome daze. I quickly closed my gaping mouth and picked up my phone that was turned onto the lock screen from the notification. The song then switched from 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran to 'Broken Crown' by Mumford & Sons.

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